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it appears that such meter overruns to the extent of 3% or more, the <br />Grantee shall any the costs of such tests and shall make a refund for <br />overcharges collected since the last known date of accuracy but for not <br />longer than six (6) months, on the basis of the extent of the inaccuracy <br />found to exist at the time of the tests. If, when any meter is tested <br />upon the demand of a customer, it is found to be accurate or slow or less <br />than 3% fast, the customer shall pay the ree.onable cost of such testing. <br />Every meter, whether complained of by a customer or otherwise, shall <br />be removed from service at least once each seven (7) years and thoroughly <br />tested for its accuracy. Any meter found inaccurate upon any test be- <br />yond a tolerance of 2% shall not be returned to service until properly <br />ad-usted. Thn Gtan,:ee shall submit a per;odic statement, at least <br />aL aual ., , to :1,n Vilik,.ge indicating the numbe of meters removed for all <br />to is +ci the lie._ removed for complaint tuts together with all <br />m :� er nplai s re,..rived and the results of tests on meter that are <br />cc ._p1aJ- d of. <br />. "- at all of the prof is r: z ths.s Ordinsnce saall <br />al.l +ti _u the suc•.=: c::s or assigns of th.-. Gral,.tee with the same force <br />any a `',-.,-:t as they do the Grantee itself <br />SECTION 14. If the Grantee shall be in default in the performance <br />of any c the material terms and conditl.-,:is of this Ordinance and shall <br />cc.3:inu- ?_n default nor more that thirty 130) jays after rc=eiving <br />nut:: ce f: -ai the VilLo%e Council of such ciefe: '.;_, the Council <br />mar oy ordinance duly passed and adopterl,.. ce-rinate all ri•Sts granted <br />uncr this ordinance to the Grantee. Tha se-. Aotice of default shall <br />be in writing and shall specify the.provisio_.- of this ordinance in the <br />perform: .ce of whichit is claimed that tie G_ atee is in default. <br />Suca n'ce shall be -erved in the manner prr.:_jed by the laws of the <br />St ':a c_- :Minnesota fo.:• the service of origin'.: notices in civil actions. <br />Thy reG.:aahleness of any ordinance so passeddeclaring a forfeiture of <br />therigh and . rivilcsas granted by this fraii.'- ise ordinance shall be <br />s1 :je.ct :o a r-.view "1.7 a court of competent ju:isdiction. <br />S:C:TION 15. That if any section or provisions or parts of this <br />ordine-q,_c, shall be found to be invalid, the same shall mot effect or <br />invalide the remainder or any other portion of this ordinance; the <br />remainder therwf shall remain in full force and effect. <br />SECTION '..i. rl,s Grantee shall within t...rty (30) days after the <br />passage and publicaC_,m of this ordinanc_, f3.:'. with the Village Clerk <br />it. acoe,tance of same in writing, signee its proper officers <br />anc attested by its corporate seal. <br />SEC:ION 17. Whenever the term "Grantee' is used herein, it is and <br />shall be taker_ -'-a mean and include the Utilities Commissic-' of the <br />Village of Cii-.a Pines, Minnesota, its _:. ssors and ae gns. When..• <br />ever the term"village" is used herein it s:.all be taken cc -mean the <br />Village cf Lino Lakes, Minnesota. <br />SEG'TON 18. Grantee shall cause a certified public accountant to <br />ascertain in a separate Profit and Loss Statement the annual results of <br />the operations under this franchise. Profits of the operations under <br />