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SECTION 4 - Notice of such prohibition or restriction shall <br />be made by erecting and maintaining signs plainly indicating the <br />prohibition or restriction at each end of that portion of any <br />street affected thereby and any entrance to such street for other <br />public streets or alleys, and at such other places as the Police <br />Department or Chairman of the Road and Bridge Commission may deem <br />advisable. <br />SECTION 5 - If any person, firm or corporation shall desire <br />to use such street, a member of the Police Department or Chairman <br />of the Road and Bridge Commission may at his discretion grant such <br />permission, provided that such person, firm or corporation desiring <br />to so use said street shall furnish to the Village a bond with good <br />and sufficient surety thereon guarantying to secure the payment of <br />all costs of putting such street in as good condition as it was <br />before restrictions, such bond and the amount thereof to be approved <br />by the Village of Lino Lakes upon recommendation of the Village <br />Engineer, and a permit shall be then issued for which the Village <br />Clerk shall charge a fee equal to the total costs involved to the <br />Village in the investigation, engineering, or legal fees or other <br />expenses involved therein. <br />SECTION 6 - In the interpretation of any of the provisions of <br />this Ordinance, the terms, provisions and definitions of the <br />statutes of the State of Minnesota applicable to highways and <br />motor vehicles shall govern. <br />SECTION 7 - Any person violating any of the provisions of this <br />Ordinance shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of <br />not less than Twenty -Five ($25.00) Dollars or not exceeding One <br />Hundred ($100.00) Dollars or by imprisonment for not more than <br />ninety (90) days. Each separate day of violation shall be deemed <br />