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06-08-1998 EDA Minutes
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
06-08-1998 EDA Minutes
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EDA Minutes
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council to decide, but his opinion was that some cities need it to remain competitive, and Lino <br />Lakes probably still needed TIF to maintain a momentum in industrial development. <br />Mr. Wessel introduced Fritz Johnson, owner of Teknapack in the Apollo Business Park. He <br />described Teknapack as an example of the success of the incubator program. Mr. Johnson is now <br />leasing in the park, and wants to build his own building with a partner, Dana Madsen of NATRA, <br />who is also leasing in the park. <br />Mr. Johnson explained that he lived in the city and wanted to stay in the park, but to continue <br />growing, he needed more space. He planned to also add leasable space to his new building to <br />include other incubator businesses. He said he checked with other cities, and Lino Lakes is about <br />average in its TIF incentives. He added the city needs to be creative with the parcels left in <br />Apollo. Some have double frontage, making them more difficult to develop, and the correctional <br />facility is a perception problem for some prospects. <br />Mr. Batty said he would recommend a new district be formed for each new qualifying project. <br />This has higher administrative costs, but provides more flexibility. Ms. Sullivan questioned if this <br />would cause hopscotch development. Mr. Batty said it would not, but new facilities would keep <br />coming on the tax rolls over time, just as now. It would not lengthen the approvals process. <br />Mr. Wessel noted that if the EDA approved revitalizing the TIF program, staff would be returning <br />in July to recommend establishing a new TIF district to support the Teknapack project. <br />EDA member Bergeson moved to reestablish the TIF Proposal Policy by allowing the creation of <br />new districts, when appropriate, within the Apollo Business Park, Clearwater Creek Development <br />Center and Lakes Business Park. EDA Member Neal seconded the motion. Motion passed <br />unanimously. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />EDA Member Lyden moved to adjourn at 6:40 p.m. EDA Member Neal seconded the motion. <br />Motion passed unanimously. <br />
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