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08-11-1994 EDA Minutes
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
08-11-1994 EDA Minutes
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9/25/2019 10:48:33 AM
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EDA Document Type
EDA Minutes
Meeting Date
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explained that UDOR began negotiating with the City in the fall of 1993 regarding the <br />purchase of a site in the Apollo Business Park for its distribution center. UDOR U.S.A. <br />committed to a site in May of 1994. Since then more than 60 transactions, including <br />11 public meetings, have taken place to put the deal together. Mr. Wessel said he <br />appreciated the responsiveness of the Planning and Zoning Board and the City Council <br />to help accomplish the purchase of City property by UDOR. The City is now well <br />prepared to bring the project to a final resolution. <br />Mr. Wessel explained that the City sold UDOR the property as full market value, and <br />that the assessments to UDOR were to be paid with Tax Increment Financing funds, <br />not to exceed 12% of the total project costs, in accordance with the policy that had <br />been set regarding city -owned property in the business park. The amount of TIF <br />assistance totalled $41,250 in an upfront commitment, i.e., the assessments would <br />be paid before the project was started. Mr. Wessel explained that the Centennial <br />School District had been notified and Anoka County had approved the plan, as <br />required by law. <br />Mr. Batty addressed the EDA members, and explained this was the sixth TIF District <br />created within the City's Development District. He noted that because it was created <br />after 1990, the increment cannot be pooled. UDOR would generate approximately <br />$12,000 in increment annually, and the Development District would recover its <br />expenditures in year four of the nine-year district. The City has a -choice to either <br />spend the rest of the increment or decertify the district. <br />Mr. Batty explained that the EDA is the authority for the Economic Development <br />District, and it is necessary for the EDA to adopt a resolution. He added that the TIF <br />District was comprised of just the UDOR parcel. The City's policy decision was to <br />create a district on a parcel by parcel basis for development of property in the park. <br />This increases the cost and time involved, but that way the clock did not start running <br />on the district until development was in place. <br />EDA Member Kuether moved to adopt the resolution approving the financing plan for <br />TIF District 1-6. EDA Member Elliott seconded the motion. The motion carried <br />unanimously. <br />AUTHORIZATION TO EXECUTE THE PURCHASE AGREEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT <br />AGREEMENT WITH UDOR U.S.A. <br />Mr. Batty explained that the purchase agreement called for the developer to buy the <br />one -acre property for $39,000 and build a 6,000 square foot facility. The agreement <br />also states UDOR agrees to pay the taxes and occupy the property for the use that <br />is permitted. Mr. Batty noted that after 1990, uses of properties within a TIF District <br />are limited. The purchase agreement also states that the EDA, through the city, will <br />pay the $32,500 assessment cost and the $5,000 application fee. <br />Mr. Batty asked that the EDA consider the purchase agreement and the development <br />
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