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09-11-1995 EDA Minutes
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
09-11-1995 EDA Minutes
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9/25/2019 10:48:40 AM
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3/20/2019 10:32:14 AM
EDA Document Type
EDA Minutes
Meeting Date
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he toured the company, and they claim most of their inventory is siding and windows, <br />and needs to be kept indoors. Any outside storage is an issue that will be considered <br />in the design scheme. Mr. Bergeson commented that some telemarketing firms were <br />not reputable. Mr. Wessel indicated that this company is both stable and reputable. <br />EDA Member Elliott moved to approve Resolution No. 95-10. EDA Member Bergeson <br />seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION NO. 95-11 AUTHORIZING THE EDA TO ENTER <br />INTO A PURCHASE AGREEMENT WITH ANOKA COUNTY FOR 6508 HODGSON <br />ROAD <br />Mr. Wessel explained that city attorney Bill Hawkins had been negotiating with Anoka <br />County for the sale of a .7-acre property on the corner of Hodgson Road/Birch Street <br />that had been seized under forfeiture laws. The county is willing to sell it to the city <br />for its fair market value of $61,400. The city will be required to register title in Anoka <br />County District Court, which will cost approximately $3,000-5,000. After checking <br />comparable real estate with a local real estate agent, Mr. Wessel said he estimates the <br />actual market value to be in the range of $90,000-100,000, leaving a cushion of at <br />least $20,000 for clean up and site preparation costs. <br />Mr. Wessel read the resolution, which directs staff and city attorney to enter into a <br />purchase agreement with the county. EDA Member Kuether stated that she was not <br />comfortable with the city picking up legal fees, and she believed that all the entities <br />receiving a share of the forfeiture proceeds should pay a share of the fees. She also <br />did not want to pay the $61,400 in advance of gaining clear title. She suggested the <br />money go into an interest bearing account. Reinert questioned why getting a clear title <br />was a problem. Ms. LaForest indicated that Minnesota drug forfeiture law was unclear <br />regarding a public entity's ability to get title, and this legal proceeding was necessary <br />to interpret the law. <br />Mr. Schumacher stated that this would be considered a redevelopment activity, and <br />any action regarding this is in the domain of the EDA. Kuether suggested that an <br />amendment be added to the resolution that states that legal costs be prorated among <br />benefiting agencies. Kuether moved to approve the amendment. Elliott seconded the <br />motion. Motion passed unanimously. Kuether moved to approve the amended <br />resolution. Elliott seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />ADJOURNMENT <br />EDA Member Elliott moved to adjourn. Bergeson seconded the motion. Motion passed <br />unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. <br />
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