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10-12-2004 EDA Packet
City Council
Economic Development Authority (EDA)
10-12-2004 EDA Packet
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EDA Packet
Meeting Date
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DRAFT <br />DATE <br />MEMBERS PRESENT <br />MEMBERS ABSENT <br />OTHERS PRESENT <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />MINUTES <br />: September 27, 2004 <br />: J. Bergeson, D. Carlson, C. Dahl, J. Reinert, D. Stoltz <br />: None <br />: Gordon Heitke, Mary Divine, Michael Grochala and Bill <br />Hawkins <br />CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 23, 2004 <br />EDA Member Bergeson moved to approve the minutes of the February 23, 2004 EDA Meeting. EDA <br />Member Stoltz seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. <br />CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF PROPERTY TO E.G. RUD & SONS LAND SURVEYORS <br />A. <br />Consideration of Resolution No. 04-02 Authorizing the Sale of Property. <br />Ms. Divine summarized the Staff report, indicating Staff is recommending approval. <br />President Reinert opened the public hearing at 6:12 p.m. <br />The EDA asked about access to the property, which Ms. Divine explained comes from Hodgson Road <br />and also a left turn lane that goes to the Shaw Property, where access would have to be granted. <br />EDA Member Carlson expressed concern about the amount of Lakeshore, and if the City was getting <br />the full value for the property. She indicated it is really six acres of property, even if it is not all <br />buildable land. She questioned why the City would not try to keep land along the lake since they are <br />not being paid for it anyway. She noted it is a good company that will provide a quality building, but <br />she is concerned they are missing an opportunity for public ownership of lakeshore at a time when <br />they are looking to purchase lakeshore. <br />Staff explained how the piece of property came to be, noting it was pieced together from several other <br />situations. The utility easement on the property was clarified, as well as the fact that that easement is <br />a power company easement and cannot be vacated. <br />Ms. Divine clarified the appraisal is based on the full amount of acreage and on market value, not on <br />the buildable portion of land. She indicated while this property was not advertised for sale because <br />Staff was working on clearing up title issues, they have had people come in and ask about it, and <br />when the property was appraised they received this full market value offer, which they brought to the <br />EDA. She indicated if there were going to turn down this offer and put it on the market they would <br />have to make the decision to sell it for more than the appraised value. <br />
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