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1980-056P Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1980-056P Council Ordinances
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9/24/2019 11:15:17 AM
Creation date
3/25/2019 3:44:03 PM
City Council
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Amending Ordinance No. 6, by Rezoning Certain Real Estate to Duplex Family (Mardon Homes)
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Council Meeting <br />July 14, 1980 <br />Page Four <br />special use permits issued to Mr. Peter Scherer for stipping furniture and <br />o El Rehbein & Son for Outlots H & K were considered for renewal. Mr. Jaworski <br />moved to continue these permits for another year. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mein carried unanimously. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter moved to continue this hearing to the July 28, 1980 meeting. <br />Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. This hearing will <br />be at 8:30 P.M. <br />14(ayor Gourley called the public hearing on the rezoning request of Marlin Tramm <br />or the R2 zoning in MarDon Acres. <br />I't was suggested that these lots should be dispersed throughout the plat rather <br />t an in a row. The Council has suggested that perhaps the lots adjacent to the <br />p wer line easement would be more suitable for this type of construction. <br />L t 2 & 3, Block 4; Lots 12 & 13, & 2; Block 3; Lots 2 & 3, Block 2; - this is <br />a total of seven lots. Mr. Tramm was agreeable to these lots. He was told that; <br />Rfl is allowed on these lots, however, if he wishes to put R2 on another lot, it <br />11 need to be rezoned.: There was no comment from the audience. <br />Jaworski moved to rezone the above listed lots from R1 to R2. Seconded by <br />lulaszewicz. Motion carried unanimously. <br />10r. Jaworski moved to close the hearing. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. Motion <br />carried unanimously. 9:35 P.M. <br />The status of the publication of Ord. 56M was discussed. The Clerk explained <br />thar,..,this had been left out of the paper due to a mixup in instructions. This <br />wil ave to be continued until the July 28, 1980 meeting. Mr. Jaworski moved <br />to continue this until July 28, 1980 at 9:00 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br />A recess was called at this point in time. <br />The meeting was continued and Mr. Suchy's special use permit application was <br />considered. Mr. Schumacher read the application setting for the number of <br />animals to be kept on this land. <br />Mr. Suchy had presented a petition from neighbors agreeing to this use and a <br />second petition had been presented objecting to the keeping of these animals. <br />Several persons from the audience testified as to the area being well kept. Mr. <br />Pete Nadeau listed his objections to the keeping of animals at this location. <br />Mr. Suchy presented his reasons for the keeping of these animals, and also <br />noted his facilities for the animals. <br />Yrs. Elsenpeter moved to approve subject to the inspection of the adjacent <br />wet lands and that the animals be limited to 150 fryers, 20 geese,10 ducks, <br />5 laying hens, 4 head of cattle , 50 to 100 rabbits, with all swine to be re - <br />Dyed. Mr. ScThhy to be required to dispose of the waste and adequate fencing <br />• contain the animals on his property. Seconded by Mr. Jaworski. <br />/"N <br />deua asked what disposal of the waste consists of - either tilling under <br />>r hauling away. Mr. Nadeau asked that the Health Department be called in. <br />!rs. Elsenpeter asked if the rabbits were in pens and Mr. Suchy said, Yes. <br />Waste to be removed weekly. Mrs. Elsenpeter amended the motion to ask for a <br />-ecommendation from the Anoka County!ealth Department. Someone suggested the <br />CA. Mrs. Elsenpeter agreed. Mr. Jaworski asked if this could be on a nine <br />
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