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1980-073 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1980-073 Council Ordinances
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City Council
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Repealing Ordinance No. 26 and 26A and Establishing the Protection and Preservation of the Public Health by Regulating the Keeping of Animals and Fowl within the City; Penalties
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ORDINANCE NO. 73 <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES <br />COUNTY OF ANOKA <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCES NO. 26 AND 26A AND ESTABLISHING AN ORDINANCE <br />TO PROTECT AND PRESERVE THE PUBLIC HEALTH BY REGULATING THE KEEPING OF ANIMALS <br />AND FOWL WITHIN THE CITY AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF. <br />THE CITY OF LINO LAKES, ANOKA COUNTY, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: <br />SECTION 1. <br />Except as herein after provided, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm <br />or corporation to keep or harbor animals, fowl or bees in this City or permit <br />the same to be done upon premises owned, occupied or controlled by him, except <br />upon a parcel of land containing ten (10) acres or more. This prohibition shall <br />not apply to cats, dogs or fowl kept as household pets. <br />SECTION 11. <br />When used in this Ordinance, the following terms shall be assigned the <br />following rileanings: <br />ANIMALS shall mean and include horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, sheep, goats, <br />hogs, rabbits, skunks, fox, raccoons, mink and other similar animal beings which <br />are endowed with the power of voluntary motion. <br />FOWL Shall mean and include all birds of any kind, including poultry, <br />chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, gallinaceous birds, and other similar <br />birds. <br />HOUSEHOLD PETS Shall mean and include those animals and fowl ordinarily <br />kept as pets, such as dogs, cats, skunks, rabbits, raccoons and similar animals <br />and such as canaries, chickens, ducks, pigeons, and similar birds, but shall <br />not include horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, sheep, goats or swine. <br />SECTION 111. <br />Parcels less than ten (10) acres: <br />Animals (except swine) may be kept on parcels of land containing less than ten <br />(10) acres but containing a minimum of five (5) acres by Special Use Permit. <br />Special Use Permits may be issued for a maximum number of animals and specific <br />species of animals to be determined by the City Council at the time of approval <br />of each Special Use Permit Application. <br />Animals with contagious disease of any kind shall be securely confined on the <br />premises of their owner or harborer and shall not be permitted to approach <br />within fifty feet of any public roadway or any place where animals belonging to <br />or harbored by another person are confined or kept. <br />SECTION 1V. <br />Special Use Permits: <br />When approving Special Use Permits under this Ordinance or any revision there- <br />of the Council shall consider the following list as minimum requirements: <br />Subdivision 1. Amount of acreage for grazing. <br />Subdivision 2. Shelter provided. <br />Subdivision 3. Waste removal plans. <br />Subdivision 4. Adjacent wetlands. <br />Subdivision 5. Drainage <br />Subdivision 6. Potential contamination of soils or ponding areas or waterways. <br />
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