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1980-075 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1980-075 Council Ordinances
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Last modified
9/24/2019 11:15:52 AM
Creation date
3/25/2019 4:26:01 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Authorizing the Issuance of Bingo Licenses to Qualified Organizations
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Subdivision 4. The license application shall be acted upon by the City Council <br />no sooner than Thirty (30) days and no later than One Hundred Eighty (180) days <br />after the date of application. <br />Subdivision 5. No Bingo license issued may be transferred to any other person <br />or organization. No. Bingo license shall be transferred to any location other <br />than the location specified in the license without prior approval by the City <br />Council. <br />SECTION V. <br />License Applications. Every application for a Bingo license shall be made <br />to the City Clerk on a form supplied by the City and containing such information <br />as the clerk or the Council may require. No person shall make a false statement <br />in an application. Copies of each application shall be referred to the City's <br />Police Chief and Building Inspector for their recommendations when the Council <br />deems this necessary. <br />SECTION V1. <br />Suspension or Revocation. The Council may suspend for a period of not ex- <br />ceeding sixty (60) days or revoke any Bingo license for violation of any provis- <br />ions of Minnesota Statues, Chapter 349 or this Ordinance. The holder of the <br />license shall be granted a hearing upon at least ten (10) days notice before re- <br />vocation or suspension is ordered. The notice shall state the time and place of <br />the hearing and the nature of the charges against the license. <br />SECTION V11.. <br />Conduct Bingo. <br />Subdivision 1. Each licensed Organization shall appoint a Bingo manager to super- <br />vise Bingo occasions conducted by it. The Bingo manager must be a member of the <br />licensed organization with dues paid for the current membership period and must <br />have been a member of the organization for at least two (2) years. The Bingo <br />manager shall give a Fidelity Bond in the sum of $10,000.00 in favor of the or- <br />ganization conditioned on the faithful performance of his or her duties, except <br />the City Council may waive the bond requirement upon the showing by the proposed <br />Bingo manager and the licensed organization that the bond is not required to pro- <br />tect the organization and upon an unanimous vote of the City Council. Terms of the <br />bond shall provide that notice shall be given in writing to the City Council not <br />Tess than ten (10) days prior to its cancellation. Each Bingo occasion shall be <br />conducted under the direct supervision of the Bingo manager who shall be respon- <br />sible for the conduct of the Bingo occasion in compliance with all applicable <br />laws and ordinances. No person shall act as Bingo manager for more than one or- <br />ganization. <br />Subdivision 2. One or more checkers shall be engaged for each Bingo occasion. <br />Checkers shall be active members of the licensed organization or spouses of ac- <br />tive members of the licensed organization. The Checker or Checkers shall record <br />the number of cards purchased and played in each game prior to the completion of <br />each game and record the prizes awarded to the recorded cards. Each Checker shall <br />certify that all figures that he or she has recorded as accurate and correct to <br />the best of his or her knowledge on forms prescribed by the City Clerk. <br />Subdivision 3. No person shall receive more than twelve (12) Dollars as compen- <br />satiā¢on for any duties in connection with any one Bingo occasion. <br />Subdivision 4. No person shall receive more than One Hundred Fout:(104) Bingo <br />occasions each year, or two (2) Bingo occasions each week shall be conducted by <br />any licensed organization. <br />Subdivision 5. A Bingo occasion shall not continue for more than four (4) con- <br />secutive hours. <br />
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