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1981-082 Council Ordinances
City Council
City Council Ordinances
1981-082 Council Ordinances
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9/24/2019 11:18:18 AM
Creation date
3/29/2019 10:47:55 AM
City Council
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Ordinance #
Ordinance Title
Repealing Ordinances No. 26, 26A and 73, Establishing Animal Control Regulations
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Subdivision 1.24. To minimize the time commitment of <br />Lino Lakes City Council in deliberation of Special Use <br />Permits for the keeping of animals by: <br />Registration of parcels that fall within the guide- <br />lines stated in Section I, Subdivision 1.22. <br />b) Fines and/or imprisonment upon conviction of violation <br />of this ordinance, State Statutes, or nuisances <br />defined and described herein. <br />SECTION II. DEFINITIONS. <br />When used in this ordinance, the following terms shall be assigned the <br />following meanings: <br />Subdivision 2.10. Animals: Shall mean and include horses, <br />mules, donkeys, cattle, sheep, swine, rabbits, skunks, <br />foxes, racoons, mink, and other similar animal beings <br />which are endowed with the power of voluntary motion. <br />Subdivision 2.20. Fowl: Shall mean and include all birds <br />of any kind, including poultry, turkeys, chickens, ducks, <br />geese, pigeons, gallinaceous birds, and other similar birds. <br />Subdivision 2.30. Household Pets: Shall mean and include <br />those animals and fowl ordinarily kept as pets, such as <br />dogs, cats, skunks, rabbits, racoons, and similar animals, <br />such as canaries, chickens, ducks, pigeons, and similar <br />birds, but shall not include horses, mules, donkeys, cattle, <br />sheep, goats, or swine. <br />Subdivision 2.40 Rural (R): Rural Residential (RR): <br />Expansion Residential (ER): Urban Residential (UR): <br />Shall mean designations applied to land within the City <br />of Lino Lakes as described and illustrated on the current <br />Lino Lakes Land Use Plan or zoning map. <br />Subdivision 2.50 Parcel of Land: Shall mean a piece of <br />contiguous real property under one title, OR a piece of <br />contiguous real property under more than one title, and <br />that the size of said real property be at least 5.0 acres <br />upon which is constructed no more than one (1.0) residence <br />or dwelling. <br />Subdivision 2.60 Animal Unit: Shall mean a unit of measure <br />to compare differences in the production of animal wastes <br />and which has as a standard the amount of waste produced on <br />a regular basis by a slaughter steer or heifer. For the <br />purposes of this ordinance, the following equivalents <br />apply: <br />-2- <br />
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