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04-01-2019 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04-01-2019 Council Work Session Minutes
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Last modified
10/15/2021 1:00:24 PM
Creation date
4/25/2019 3:48:01 PM
City Council
Council Document Type
Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Regular
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION April 1, 2019 <br />APPROVED <br />45 not being able to access Channel 16 without cable service. Ms. Arnson reviewed the <br />46 specific situation where a signal cannot get to someone who doesn't have a digital set up. <br />47 She noted that the government channel is now streamed and is available on the city's <br />48 website at any time. The agendas for meetings are now bookmarked for easy. Videos of <br />49 past meetings are archived for a period and are available as well through the City website. <br />50 Also they will begin offering the channel on Roku and other services television this <br />51 summer. <br />52 <br />53 Mayor Reinert discussed the matter of viewership and heard that actual numbers aren't <br />54 available. Ms. Arnson noted that franchise renewal is just beginning for NMTV and she <br />55 anticipates that a view survey will be a part of that process. <br />56 <br />57 Council Member Stoesz noted how the channel services are financed — fees through <br />58 Comcast accounts. <br />59 3. Lyngblomsten Financial Assistance Request - Mikaela Huot (Springsted), and <br />60 Community Development Director Grochala reported. Ms. Huot reviewed the estimated <br />61 project costs, including financing, site development, etc. The total cost of $77 million <br />62 would cover all elements including acquisition for the commercial. <br />63 <br />64 Mr. Grochala reviewed the proposed sewer improvements, extending from the area to <br />65 serve future development. <br />66 <br />57 Mr. Grochala remarked that staff is presenting a tax increment financial (TIF) proposal <br />68 from the developer for the council's review and to understand if the council has flexibility <br />69 in the matter of the TIF time period. Five to six years has been the standard for the City. <br />70 <br />71 Ms. Huot reviewed a PowerPoint including information on: <br />72 - Application submitted to City for financial assistance in the amount of $5.3 <br />73 million over 15 years; <br />74 - Total investment compared with requested assistance; <br />75 - The development area outside of the proposed district and tax that would be <br />76 generated; <br />77 - What housing would be designated to fulfill requirement for units (senior care <br />78 units of 198 units); <br />79 - Request is for pay-as-you-go assistance (financed up front by developer); <br />80 - Reasons why public financial assistance is being requested; <br />81 - Staff is in the process of the due diligence review of the application; <br />82 - Annual increment estimates. <br />83 <br />84 Mayor Reinert remarked that use of tax increment financing exists in many cities. The <br />85 council should discuss TIF as a financing tool for this city, and how TIF fits into this <br />86 development proposed for in Lino Lakes. His preference would be to have it privately <br />87 developed completely; the development will bring additional costs to the city. He noted <br />2 <br />
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