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04/12/1975 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
04/12/1975 Council Minutes
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-2- APRIL 12, 1975 <br />Mr. Jaworski asked Mr. Hail if they weren't pumping sewage from this plant <br />on a 24 hour a day basis. , said that he had heard that there are <br />two semi's hauling continousâ–ºy to the South Saint Paul Plant. <br />Mr. Hall said that he did not know if that was true or not, he has not <br />been informed if there is hauling being done. <br />Mr. Jaworski said they were hauling something in those tankers and it <br />is not gasoline. <br />Mr. Hall said he questions the large amount of monies that the MC is <br />spending,its at a outrageous point. He said that in 1973 the mil <br />rate was 29 mils but they are proposing a mil rate of 36 mils for 1978, <br />for sewer alone. He said that they could have done it stages and not raised <br />taxes to the point that the MC would get such a huge increase. <br />He questioned the MC right to raise their Levy so high while Cities <br />are limited to 5% per year. <br />Mayor Hall said that the Dakota County Leaders are preparing a + page <br />ad to reach the people and tell them what they think the MC is doing <br />to the communities and the residents and asked that Lino Lakes Join them <br />In this and the cost of such an ad. <br />Mr. McLean said that the Anoka County Commissioners read our position <br />paper at a recent meeting, and made it part of the minutes and generally <br />agreed with the position of Lino Lakes on the MC. <br />Mayro Richard J. Schneider of the City of Andover spoke next. He said <br />that while Andover does not have the problems that Lino Lakes and Burns- <br />ville have they agree with our position on the MC and he said that <br />he had written a letter to their State Senator, Hubert Humphrey, of the <br />problems they are having with the MC and how the residents of Andover <br />feel. <br />He asked Senator Milton is they were really listening to the people - <br />down at the State House? Will something be done? <br />Senator Milton said we are here to listen and we are listening. That <br />is why I am here today. <br />Mr. Schneider asked about this bill that has been titled 4/1/75 for <br />lack of a name or number. What is this all about? Why was no name <br />given to it? And why was it sent out anonymously? <br />Mr. Jaworski asked if the Development Framework Guide had been approved <br />by the Legislature? <br />Senator Milton said the Development Framework Guide was not a piece <br />of legislation, it is merely a guide for the MC to work within and as <br />such does not require the approval of the Legislature. <br />
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