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03/17/1980 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/17/1980 Council Minutes
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March 17, 1980 <br />Special Councicl Meeting <br />64 <br />The special meeting was called to order at 7:36 P.M. All Council <br />members were:: present. Mayor Gourley announced this meeting is for <br />the purpose of holding a public hearing on the petition of Rite -Way <br />Waterproofing. <br />Mr. Schumacher reported this public hearing is the result of a <br />Resolution adopted by the City Council and setting this date for a <br />public hearing.- This notice has been published in the City's official <br />newspaper. <br />Mayor Gourley asked Diane Gibbons to present the financial proposal <br />on this matter. The City would be approving the sale of tax exempt <br />bonds in the sense of revenue tax, not real estate tax. <br />Mayor Gourley asked that the only portion of this operation that is <br />tax exempt is the interest and that is exempted from Federal Revenue <br />Tax. This interest is paid to the persons who purchase the Industrial <br />Revenue Bonds. <br />Mr. Kulaszewicz asked about the Bond market. Ms.Gibbon said these <br />bonds are placed within thefsrianci.alinstution and does not reflect the <br />normal bond -market. Mr. Kulaszewicz noted these bonds should be <br />sold within the next three weeks - this is due to the proposal of <br />putting a 9% limit on these bonds. <br />Mr. McLean asked what Resolution is needed and Mr. Schumacher said a <br />Resolution giving preliminary approval of financing and authorizing <br />proper officals to file the application with the Commissioner of <br />Securities. Mr. McLean moved to adopt this Resolution. Seconded <br />by Mr. Kulaszewicz. <br />Mayor Gourley requested Mr. Schumacher to go through the implications <br />of this Resolution. Mr. Schumacher asked what happens at the final <br />approvalland Ms. Gibbons explained this would be at the closing and, <br />the final dollar figures would be available. Would the Council know <br />what interest rates - Yes, all this information would be available at <br />that time.Does the City have administrative responsibilites after that <br />point in time? Ms. Ms. Gibbons said the City has no further responsi- <br />bilities. Mr. Schumacher asked what happens if the company runs into <br />financial difficulties? Ms. Gibbons said this would be a matter of <br />the company and the City would have no liability whatsoever. <br />Mr. Kulaszewica asked what the time schedule was and Ms. Gibbons said <br />this depends on the approval of the State - she felt 30 days was a <br />reasonable time. <br />Mr.Schumacher asked, if at the final. hearing certain requirements are <br />requested, can this be done? such as some type of extenuating circum- <br />stances? Ms. Gibbons said, yes, if it is reasonable. <br />The preliminary approval authorized the company to proceed with their <br />application. The final approval will probably be within the next 30 <br />days. <br />
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