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03/14/1977 Council Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03/14/1977 Council Minutes
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Council Minutes
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March 14, 1977 <br />The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes City Council was called to order at 8:05 P.M., <br />March 14, 1977 by Mayor Bohjanen. Council member present: Karth, McLean, Schneider. <br />Absent; Zelinka. Mr. Locher will arrive late. Mr. Gotwald was also present. <br />The minutes of February 28, 1977 were corrected as follows: <br />Page 3, paragraph 3, Ilth line, after Ramsey County Open Space add 'or Metropolit- <br />an Open Space'. <br />Page 6, paragraph 3, change 'several' to 'one', 1st line; 2nd line add 'and septic <br />tank inspections' after 'water tests' delete the word 'blackmail' and insert 'method <br />used to condemn the area and force the installation of the utilities.' <br />Mr. Schneider moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. McLean. Mot- <br />ion carried unanimously. <br />The minutes of March 7, 1977 were corrected as follows; <br />7th paragraph, delete the phrase, 'But this is not a good practice'. Add the re- <br />maining sentence to the 6th paragraph. <br />Mr. McLean moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Schneider. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br />Mr. Benjy Munson, Lexington Fire Chief, was present to report on the Fire on Main Street <br />that the Council had received a reporton from Officer Hillyer. <br />Mr. Munson said the Police Departments had been notified of the fire. He had tried to <br />talk to them personally, but had been unable to make contact. He then called Anoka <br />Central Communications. The Police Departments were notified at 11:00 A.M., which fact <br />is noted in Mr. Hillyer's report, of the planned fire drill. The fire did not start <br />until 11:49 A.M., which is also noted in Mr. Hillyer's report. It would appear there <br />are conflicting statements in the policeman's report. Mr. Munson said this drill had <br />been set one week in advance of the actual fire. <br />There had also been a complaint of excessive speed by the firemen from Mr. Hillyer. Mr. <br />Munson said all firemen are limited to the 55mph speed limit and if caught exceeding <br />that speed, they are automatically suspended from the fire department. <br />Mayor Bohjanen asked Mr. Munson if it was necessary for the fire department to obtain <br />a burning permit from PCA for an operation such as this was and Mr. Munson said, No, <br />this is a permitted action and does not require a permit. <br />Mr. Munson presented some figures showing that in 1976 the percentage of service comp- <br />arison of the two Cities. About 72% of the fire departments time is spent in Lino Lakes <br />and 28% in Lexington. Someone asked why this difference and Mr. Munson reminded them <br />Lexington is only one square mile and that department covers 14 square miles of Lino <br />Lakes. He told the Council monthly reports, as well as quarterly reports, will be sub- <br />mitted for Council consideration. <br />Mr. Munson read a letter he had written to Mr. David Torkildson, in reference to the area <br />in the Anoka County Open Space that is covered by his fire department. He said the Lino <br />Lakes contract will be adjusted to reflect this lost area. This matter will be discussed <br />when the fire contract is presented for renewal. There is also a matter of deleting the <br />
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