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12/20/1982 Council Minutes (2)
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
12/20/1982 Council Minutes (2)
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Special Council Meeting <br />December 20, 1982 <br />WIN <br />r <br />y Mr. Marier asked, if these funds become surplus, does he have a certain department <br />where these funds are to be allocated? Mr. Reinert felt this has been discussed, he <br />suggested the streets of the City could use a bumper. <br />Mayor Benson added Consultants to this list. Mayor Benson asked about the $6000.00 <br />increase in the Centerville Department Contract, why? Mr. Schumacher reported that <br />this is the result of a very complicated formula. Mayor Benson asked if this has <br />anything to do with the transfer of the area to that department and Mr. Schumacher <br />said, he felt this would be equal with the reduction in the Lexington Fire Department <br />contract. <br />Mayor Benson felt the Building Inspections could also be reduced - also some areas in <br />Public Works that could be reduced. <br />Mayor Benson listed fuels and shop repairs, reduce some street signs costs, delay the <br />purchase, also street lights. Building Inspections - fuels, be more aware of the trips <br />made and where to - Mrs. Elsenpeter felt, that with the anticipated increase of work <br />load with the addition of inspections in Circle Pines, there will also be additional <br />income. <br />There was discussion on the percentage to be cut, how this would affect the service <br />level provided by. the City and how the public would react to this. <br />Mr. Schumacher suggested delay on the capital improvements until there is information <br />from the State. <br />Mr. :Marier felt that something must be done about the roads - and the patching and <br />sealcoating type repairs should not be assessed back to the people. <br />/ Mayor Benson felt that delaying some things and listed the following areas for <br />consideration; Under Mayor & Council, eliminate $500.00 for the Task Force and $500.00 <br />for travel and conferences - if the members want to attend the League of Minnesota <br />Cities convention, then pay part of their expenses; $7000.00 under Administration, <br />part of that would be salaries, part under conferences; Consultants - $6000.00; delay <br />the computer - $6000.00; delay the squad car, breatherlizer, and look at more down <br />time, use radar more - $20,000.00; Public Works - $4.0_00,00 in the area of Street signs <br />and street lights, delay for a period, wait a little longer during sncxa fall; Park <br />Department - delete $500.00 going to school recreation, and reduce the salaries $2500.00. <br />This totals $46,000.00 - a 5.1% decrease - this would not mean a cut in salaries and <br />basically no cut in services and wait until there is information from the state. <br />Mr. Marier moved to approve -these suggestions. Seconded by Mrs. Elsenpeter. <br />Don pointed out that he has a file on street light requests - some of these have been <br />delayed for two years. Mayor Benson felt that if there is another area where this money <br />could be withheld, then the street lights could be installed. He felt that if there is <br />money forth coming from the State, then there would be no problem. <br />Mrs. Elsenpeter said this should be with the understanding that the items listed to be <br />held will be reviewed for possible reinstatement and the Council agreed. <br />Mr. Reinert asked, if we are reducing the by 5.1% or are we asking the Department heads <br />to hold back on these items listed which constitutes 5.1% of the budget? <br />After some discussion, the general consensus of the Council was these items will be <br />reviewed in March and the street program for the coming year will be reviewed also. <br />
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