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Page 2 <br />Planning and Zoning Commission <br />August 8, 1979 , <br />Property line construction was recommended in view of the fact that it was <br />commercial property and would enable full use of the property. There were <br />several objections to this recommendation: It was not a congested area, <br />drainage or water run off from the garage would be on other property, and <br />the owner would be trespassing in order to paint the garage. <br />The ordinance was consulted for commercial property setbacks; these were <br />30' on the rear lot line and 10' on the side lot line. Mr. Skoglund <br />sketched the layout of his property and explained his reasons for the garage <br />location. There was some difficulty due to the angle of the lot lines to the <br />street and to the house and garage. The 30' rear setback could notibe.met <br />because .of•tbe.location of the house. The 10' setback could be main- <br />tained by shortening the garage; the proposed dimensions were 30 X 40 X 10 <br />high. Mr. Gourley noted that Mr. Mobley hadnot addressed the question <br />asked of him in hisletter, which was how the garage could be fit in and; <br />still maintain the ordinance requirements. Mr. Gourley felt that as Mr. <br />Skoglund's property was adjacent to residential property onthe rear lot <br />line, that a residential setback of 5' would be acceptable there, but that. <br />the side setback of 10' should be met. Mr. Skoglund felt he could shortenn. <br />the building by 5' (35 X 30) in order;to meet that requirement. Mr. Johnson <br />moved to recommend that.Mr. Skoglund be granted a variance for a 5' rear <br />setback and that the maintained at 10'. Mr. Doocey seconded <br />the motion. All were in favor. Motion declared passed. This will .be on <br />the Council agenda for -August 13. <br />Mr. Reinert asked that the Clerk be told he did not receive his packet <br />this month. <br />Next on the agenda was the Comprehensive Land Use planning session with <br />Mr. Gotwald, engineer, and Mr. Short, planner, present. The planner and <br />engineer were asked for their comments on the list from the July 11 meeting <br />of the assets and liabilities of Lino Lakes as a community, and this was <br />opened to general discussion. Mr. Short felt that under the asset column, <br />"open rural feeling" should be included with #5, and that "parks and re- <br />creation" should be added to #16. Mr. Gotwald felt that another point <br />could be added, that development has been taking place rather slowly and <br />the majority of developments have been large suburban lots of one acre or <br />or more. Because of that type of development, the need for more intensive <br />services'would be less. He added that the large Tots and varying to- <br />pography add to the rural atmosphere. It was pointed out that the lot size <br />could become a problem at a future time when services are extended, as the <br />assessments on acre lot would be high. <br />Under Iiabililities, Mr. Short felt that #2 and #3, high water table and <br />restricted soils, were essentially the same. On #9, the wording should be <br />changed to "lack of proffessional services." He suggested some additional <br />liabilities, which would be (14) the amount of goverment controlled non- <br />taxable land, which relates to high taxes, another possible addition. This <br />land would also not be available for development (the County Park, St. Paul <br />Water Department, the State Training Center). Mr. Gotwald added freeways and <br />unusable marginal land. Mr. Short indicated that the present Comprehensive <br />Plan talks about objectives, goals and policies and that type of thing was <br />based on lists like these. Mr. Gotwald felt that people associated Lino <br />Lakes with the Circle Pines school district, which was not considered high <br />