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VADNAIS LAKE AREA WATER MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION <br />VADNAIS HEIGHTS, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31, 2009 <br />Note 3: DETAILED NOTES ON ACCOUNTS - CONTINUED <br />E. Deferred Revenue/Unearned Revenue <br />Governmental funds report deferred revenue in connection with receivables for revenues that are not considered <br />to be available to liquidate liabilities of the current period. Also, governmental funds defer revenue recognition <br />in connection with resources that have been received, but not yet earned. At the end of the current fiscal year, <br />the various components of deferred revenue/unearned revenue reported were as follows: <br />Unavailable Unearned <br />Special assessments $ 10,538 $ 422,477 <br />F. Changes in long-term liabilities <br />Long-term liability activity for the year ended December 31, 2009, was as follows: <br />Beginning Ending Current <br />Balance Increases Decreases Balance Portion <br />Governmental activities <br />Compensated <br />absences payable $ 9,115 $ 7,486 $ (6,403) $ 10,198 $ 6,404 <br />Note 4: DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION PLANS - STATEWIDE <br />A. Plan Description <br />All full-time and certain part-time employees of the Organization are covered by defined benefit plans <br />administered by the Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (PERA). PERA administers the <br />Public Employees Retirement Fund (PERF) which is a cost -sharing, multiple -employer retirement plan. This <br />plan is established and administered in accordance with Minnesota statutes, chapters 353 and 356. <br />PERF members belong to either the Coordinated Plan or the Basic Plan. Coordinated Plan members are <br />covered by Social Security and Basic Plan members are not. All new members must participate in the <br />Coordinated Plan. <br />PERA provides retirement benefits as well as disability benefits to members, and benefits to survivors upon <br />death of eligible members. Benefits are established by Minnesota statute, and vest after three years of credited <br />service. The defined retirement benefits are based on a member's highest average salary for any five successive <br />years of allowable service, age and years of credit at termination of service. <br />Two methods are used to compute benefits for PERA's Coordinated and Basic Plan members. The retiring <br />member receives the higher of step -rate benefit accrual formula (Method 1) or a level accrual formula (Method <br />2). Under Method 1, the annuity accrual rate for a Basic Plan member is 2.2 percent of average salary for each <br />of the first 10 years of service and 2.7 percent for each remaining year. The annuity accrual rate for a <br />Coordinated Plan member is 1.2 percent of average salary for each of the first 10 years and 1.7 percent for each <br />remaining year. Under Method 2, the annuity accrual rate is 2.7 percent of average salary for Basic Plan <br />members and 1.7 percent for Coordinated Plan members for each year of service. A reduced retirement annuity <br />is also available to eligible members seeking early retirement. <br />-39- <br />