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2019-085 Council Resolution
City Council
City Council Resolutions
2019-085 Council Resolution
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Last modified
9/24/2019 8:02:17 AM
Creation date
8/19/2019 12:33:21 PM
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CITY OF LINO LAKES, MINNESOTA <br />RESOLUTION NO. 19-85 <br />RESOLUTION APPROVING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING PLAN FOR TAX <br />INCREMENT FINANCING (HOUSING) DISTRICT NO. 1-13 <br />WHEREAS, the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota (the "City") and the Lino Lakes Economic <br />Development Authority (the "Authority") have established, and the Authority administers, Development <br />District No. 1 (the "Development District") located within the City and have caused to be created a <br />Development Plan (the "Development Plan") therefor, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.090 <br />through 469.1082, as amended (the "EDA Act"); and <br />WHEREAS, within the Development District the City and the Authority have created certain tax <br />increment financing districts pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Sections 469.174 through 469.1794, as amended <br />(the "TIF Act"); and <br />WHEREAS, the City and the Authority have determined to approve a tax increment financing plan <br />(the "TIF Plan") relating to the creation of a new tax increment financing district within the Development <br />District designated as the Tax Increment Financing (Housing) District No. 1-13 (the "TIF District"), all as <br />described in a plan document presented to the City Council of the City (the "City Council") on the date hereof; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 469.175, subd. 2a, of the TIF Act, the notice of public hearing for the <br />creation of the TIF Plan was provided to the county commissioner who represents the area included in the TIF <br />District at least 30 days before the publication of the notice; and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 469.175, subd. 2 of the TIF Act, the proposed 1'lh Plan and the <br />estimates of the fiscal and economic implications of the TIF Plan were presented to the School Board of <br />Independent School District No. 12 and to the County Board of Commissioners of Anoka County, Minnesota; <br />and <br />WHEREAS, on the date hereof, the City Council conducted a public hearing relating to the TIF Plan <br />and the establishment of the TIF District, at the views of all interested parties were heard at the public hearing; <br />and <br />that: <br />WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the contents of the TIF Plan; and <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Lino Lakes, Minnesota <br />Section 1. Findings; TIF District. <br />1.01. It is found and determined that it is necessary and desirable for the sound and orderly <br />development of the Development District, and for the protection and preservation of the public health, safety, <br />and general welfare, that the authority of the TIF Act be exercised by the City to provide public financial <br />assistance to the TIF District and the Development District. <br />1.02. It is further found and determined, and it is the reasoned opinion of the City, that the <br />development proposed in the TIF Plan could not reasonably be expected to occur solely through private <br />investment within the reasonably foreseeable future. <br />
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