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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />APPROVED <br /> 1 <br />CITY OF LINO LAKES 1 <br />MINUTES 2 <br /> 3 <br />DATE : January 6, 2020 4 <br />TIME STARTED : 6:00 p.m. 5 TIME ENDED : p.m. 6 MEMBERS PRESENT : Council Member Stoesz, Lyden, Ruhland 7 and Mayor Rafferty 8 <br />MEMBERS ABSENT : None 9 <br /> 10 <br />Staff members present: City Administrator Jeff Karlson; Public Safety Director John 11 <br />Swenson; Community Development Director Michael Grochala; City Engineer Diane 12 Hankee; Finance Director Sarah Cotton; Public Services Director Rick DeGardner; 13 Utilities Supervisor Justin Williams; City Clerk Julie Bartell 14 <br />Oath of Office – The Oath of Office was accepted by Rob Rafferty, Chris Lyden and 15 <br />Mike Ruhland 16 <br />1. Public Water System - Manganese Test Results (UCMR4) – Public Service 17 <br />Director DeGardner explained that he is presenting information on recent findings of the 18 <br />level of manganese in City municipal wells. He introduced Greg Johnson of WSB & 19 <br />Associates to present technical information on the subject. 20 <br />Mr. Johnson explained that manganese naturally exists in ground water. It’s never been 21 <br />considered a health issue until recent years. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 22 releases new Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rules (UCMR) every five years; 23 manganese appeared in the most recent release. Random wells were tested throughout 24 <br />the state and as it turned out a couple were located in Lino Lakes. The testing showed 25 <br />that some City wells have manganese levels above the Minnesota Department of Health’s 26 <br />recommended health guidelines. As soon as the City received notification, the wells with 27 <br />the highest concentration were not used. As far as addressing the situation long term, 28 several options are listed in the written staff report. 29 30 <br />Director DeGardner noted a letter to all residents of the City that will be mailed the next 31 <br />day, as well as a City website that has been constructed to provide information on the 32 <br />subject. Mr. DeGardner suggested that overall he feels it is a good thing that the City 33 <br />was selected for testing because now we can be proactive in addressing the situation. He 34 noted that an informational meeting will be held in the City in January at which a 35 Minnesota Department of Health Representative will be present to provide information. 36 <br />Staff’s intent also is to provide to the City Council at an upcoming session a feasibility 37 <br />update a municipal water treatment facility. 38 <br />Mayor Rafferty asked staff to speak about the six wells in the City system (as well as a 39 <br />new well that is planned). Why does the City need all the wells? 40