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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />APPROVED <br />46 seeing that document before being asked to vote on it. When asked about the four month <br />47 timeline, Ms. Bartholomew indicated that she has offered that time frame to allow <br />48 flexibility in filling the Finance Director position. <br />49 <br />50 Council Member Lyden concurred with the Mayor's remark that Ms. Cotton is thorough <br />51 and easy to work with. It's a bonus to have someone coming in that already knows Lino <br />52 Lakes. He understands that filling the finance position is also driving the schedule. <br />53 <br />54 Council Member Stoesz remarked that it should be clear in setting up an agreement what <br />55 a remote work environment would look like for both the administrator and finance <br />56 director position. <br />57 <br />58 Mayor Rafferty noted the City Administrator job description currently and asked to see a <br />59 copy. Also he would like to see what has been rewritten into the position at this point. <br />60 He wants to fully understand what the administrator position entails and he asked that the <br />61 information be shared with all council members. <br />62 <br />63 Review Regular Agenda of April 27, 2020 — <br />64 <br />65 Item 2A — Finance Director explained that the resolution moves forward the process of <br />66 issuing and selling bonds for the water tower project. The process is fully laid out in the <br />67 staff report. She noted that financial consultant Terri Heaton of Baker Tilly will be <br />68 available to give a report at the council meeting. <br />69 <br />70 Item 3A — Joint Cooperative Agreement with North Metro Telecommunications — <br />71 Administrator Karlson noted that his staff report includes a marked agreement indicating <br />72 the changes being requested. He will review at the council meeting. The changes are <br />73 fairly routine. <br />74 <br />75 Item 3B —Protect Community Television Act —Administrator Karlson noted an order <br />76 issued by the FCC that would reduce certain franchise fees that go toward community <br />77 programining. The resolution supports protecting that funding source. <br />78 <br />79 Item 4A —Public Safety Director Swenson explained the donation coming. The donation <br />8o relates to the City's recent host role for an event for the canine organization. <br />81 <br />82 Item 5A — Lift Station No. 5 — City Engineer Hankee explained that she has been working <br />83 with Utility staff on a situation with a force main. It is an important fixture and staff feels <br />84 its repair should be attended to as soon as possible. Based on cost estimates, a new line <br />85 is seen as more cost effective and two quotes will be presented. <br />86 <br />87 Item 6B —Fog Seal on City Hall Parking Lot —City Engineer reviewed quotes received <br />88 and explained how the project could be coordinated. <br />89 <br />