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07-25-1995 Charter Minutes
1995 Minutes
07-25-1995 Charter Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Notes from the July 25, 1995 public meeting, 7:00 pm <br />Lino Lakes Charter Commission <br />Commission members present: Diana Turner, Mark Benson, Ron Solfest, Bob <br />Doocy <br />Others present: John Powell, city engineer, Kent Sulem, League of Minnesota <br />Cities, Bill Hawkins, City Attorney and about 70 Lino Lakes Citizens <br />Open Mike Notes: <br />* Doug Storms, 620 Andahl St. - How are corner lots assessed? The side that abuts <br />the improvement would be assessed. If both sides abut the improvement, one full <br />side plus 1/3 of the second side. <br />* Double frontage: Single lot, can't split -we can't demonstrate the benefit. Splitting <br />lots are dependent on current zoning and ordinances, not the charter. <br />* Bob Benning, E. Shadow Lake Dr. - If sewer and water are in, the only assessment <br />could be the road, at 20%. The 20% is the direct benefit to the property owner. <br />Sewer and water are 100% as decided by state courts. <br />* Don Johnson, W. Shadow Lake Dr., has 250' frontage. Would he be assessed for 3 <br />lots? The zoning ordinance would determine if lot could be split. The assessment <br />would be the total frontage. <br />* What is the connection fee? Determined by front footage, a lateral benefit. Area <br />and unit charges (wells, borings, etc.) will cost about $11000 on an 80 x 130 lot. <br />* Chris Lang, Holly Drive W. Sec. 8.04 protects people's rights. Could we change <br />8.05 and use general funds for improvements. (John Powell - it would help quite a <br />bit, would increase taxes throughout the city.) Update 8.05 so any surplus in the <br />general fund at the end of the year can be used for improvements. <br />* Jerry Hanson, Main Street - We're going backwards in our proposal. Some <br />planning should have been done before. (John Powell - no funding is available. <br />$200,000 to seal coat, fill potholes, etc.). We're going back to the same problems we <br />talked about in 1980. <br />* Do other cities have the problem? No. Other cities can raise taxes to generate <br />funds to improve the roads. <br />* Rose - Area and unit funds are used to drill wells, build trunk lines, etc. She lives <br />on 24th Ave. and their agreement with the city said they weren't going to be <br />assessed to attract light industrial business. <br />* ? 889 Main St. - In 1980 a few developers were going to ram sewer and water <br />down the throats of the c citizens. This created the demand for the charter. (Powell <br />- we don't have a plan to put sewer and water throughout the city. The only <br />improvements in progress are a lift station east of I-35 and area around the <br />correctional facility. <br />* Kim Sullivan, Whippoorwill Lane - Sec. 8.04, sub. 2 - General fund usage must be <br />approved by the voters. Revise the sections so you can use general funds without <br />going to the voters. <br />* Dave Storberg - Hwy. 49 - Change section 8. They can put the proposal in front of <br />the council and do it that way. Charter commission can remove the section dealing <br />
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