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CITY OF LINO LAKES <br /> RESOLUTION NO.21-31 <br /> APPROVING A SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 02-21 FOR PUBLICATION <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council approved Ordinance No. 02-21,vacating a portion of the right-of- <br /> way and drainage& utility easement on Lot 1, Block 4, Mar Don Acres; and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council approved the first reading on March 22, 2021, and the second <br /> reading and final passage on April 12, 2021; and <br /> WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 02-21 is lengthy and MN statute 412.191 allows the city to publish <br /> a summary of an ordinance, and <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council has determined that the summary clearly informs the public of the <br /> intent and effect of the ordinance, and <br /> WHEREAS,the publication in the official newspaper will include a notice that a full printed <br /> copy of the ordinance is available at City Hall. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE,BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by The City Council of The City of <br /> Lino Lakes, Minnesota that the City Council approves the summary in Attachment A for <br /> publication according to state law and the City Charter. <br /> Adopted by the Council of the City of Lino Lakes this 12th day of April, 2021. <br /> The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was introduced by Councilmember <br /> Lyden, was duly seconded by Councilmember Cavegn and upon vote being taken thereon,the <br /> following voted in favor thereof: Stoesz,Ruhland, Cavegn,Lyden, Rafferty <br /> The following voted against same: None <br /> Rob Rafferty, Mayor <br /> AT LEST: <br /> is e Bartell, ty Cle <br />