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03-18-2021 Council Work Session Minutes
City Council
City Council Meeting Minutes
03-18-2021 Council Work Session Minutes
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Last modified
10/15/2021 1:17:22 PM
Creation date
4/13/2021 4:15:47 PM
City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
Council Meeting Type
Work Session Special
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CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION <br />APPROVED <br />46 - Programming: Active Adults and Seniors; Fitness; Aquatics; Special Needs; <br />47 Swimming Safety; Sample Program; <br />48 - Future and Long Term Opportunities: Goals; Identification of Opportunities and <br />49 Needs; <br />50 - Timelines: Workback Schedule from Re -Opening; Factors Affecting Timeline. <br />51 <br />52 Councilmember Ruhland: <br />53 - How much was the membership at YMCA; ($71 single/$132 Family/some other <br />54 options); <br />55 - How many members pre-COVID?; Information not available to share; but model <br />56 provided used those figures and final report will include more membership data, <br />57 - If the City kept similar price model, how many members would the City need to <br />58 maintain?; Noted 1, 800 membership equating to approximately 5, 000 individual <br />59 members; <br />60 - Time frame moving ahead?; Based on partial capacity and without new <br />61 programming; <br />62 - Regarding the financial analysis for a City managed facility, yearly gross revenue <br />63 noted and wonders what membership that is based on; not based on capacity <br />64 initially and probably less at the beginning than when the YMCA closed; <br />65 - Hoping to see a financial breakdown on management company option and hybrid <br />66 option; working further with staff to ensure the vision as those figures are put <br />67 together; <br />68 - Will the final report include things like physical therapist services at a breakeven <br />69 point; that will be included and figures such as pool rental is already included. <br />70 <br />71 Councilmember Cavegn: <br />72 - Projections go out five years and he wonders if any expansion costs are included; <br />73 there are two separate analyses with the second being for expansion; <br />74 - He is interested in looking at how long a subsidy would be necessary; leasing <br />75 equipment moves breakeven an entire year forward as an example; <br />76 - In the work -back schedule, who does negotiations with programming partners; <br />77 they offer that type of service or the City may be able to do it with parameters they <br />78 are providing; <br />79 - Estimate on getting facility up and running; the six month time frame from the <br />80 City council pulling the trigger is doable; <br />81 - Is there any opportunity for short term revenue in the meantime; yes, something <br />82 like the pool could be brought up and running without the whole facility running <br />83 and could be available for specific uses or rental of space to private trainers; <br />84 - Will there be a report to the council on the specifics of moving on current use <br />85 opportunities; will add to information forthcoming. <br />86 <br />87 Councilmember Ruhland: <br />88 - How many facilities did the YMCA close: Information not available; <br />89 <br />90 Councilmember Lyden: <br />2 <br />
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