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02-19-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
1998 Minutes
02-19-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br /> February 19, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Council Member Lyden expressed his view that the Charter has always been effective whether or <br /> not issues pass, and agreed that additional avenues may be appropriate. <br /> Mayor Sullivan expressed her concern that with the Charter having been in existence for such a <br /> long time the City should have had some type of funding in place for reconstruction projects <br /> whether or not election issues pass. She indicated that the current City Council needs to address <br /> this funding issue, and that it would work with the Finance Department to seek a satisfactory <br /> solution. <br /> Future Plans, 1998 and Beyond - Mr. Ahrens explained that in 1998 all roads on the east side <br /> of Reshanau Lake, and projects beyond that will have to be brought before the public. <br /> Chair Montain asked if it is anticipated that the approved projects will be completed within 1998, <br /> to which Mr. Ahrens responded they should be. <br /> Chair Montain asked if the City had been contacted by neighborhood residents following the <br /> election. Mr. Ahrens indicated that very few contacts had been made, and that everyone seemed <br /> happy with the results. <br /> Commissioner Trehus asked about the impact of the $1.7 million project on taxpayers. Mr. <br /> Ahrens was not prepared to produce figures, and Ms. Vaske added that the Financial Department <br /> is currently sorting through 1998 allocations. <br /> Commissioner Trehus stated that the intent of the Charter is not to allow for use of City general <br /> fund money for road reconstruction without public approval. Chair Montain clarified that <br /> generally dedicated funds cannot be used in that manner. <br /> Mayor Sullivan opined that the Charter does not prohibit such use. She added her interpretation <br /> that if the City can find funds that do not come from general fund tax dollars, it has the option to <br /> use such funds. <br /> Chair Montain asked if reconstruction needs identified for the 1999 budget would become viable <br /> projects for the year 2000. Mayor Sullivan turned the question to Mr. Ahrens, asking when he <br /> foresaw the next phase of road reconstruction. Mr. Ahrens indicated that there is an immediate <br /> need, but that it takes approximately 1-1/2 years to implement a project following its inception. <br /> He added his recommendation that the City move immediately into the next phase. <br /> Ms. Vaske explained the impact of a$2 million bond as a$29 increase in taxes for the owner of <br /> a $100,000 home, $43 for a $150,000 home, and $72 for a$200,000 home. Mayor Sullivan <br /> made the general comment that the road reconstruction bond is not the only bond that will come <br /> before Lino Lakes. Therefore, there is a need to look not only at when road reconstruction is <br /> necessary but also at when funds will be available. <br /> 2 <br />
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