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02-19-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
Charter Commission
1998 Minutes
02-19-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
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Charter Commission <br /> February 19, 1998 <br /> Page 4 <br /> had been communication to the previous Council, but that Ms. Vaske had been given this project <br /> at an awkward time. Chair Montain explained that at the January Charter Commission meeting <br /> Ms. Vaske suggested implementing the CIP at a more appropriate time, and asked if the present <br /> Council intends to follow through with this program. <br /> Mayor Sullivan explained that Council has not yet conducted its goal setting session, adding that <br /> the intent is to bring City plans more in line with the Charter. She referred specifically to Section <br /> 704 of the Charter, which calls for a financial plan including all City funds, and that Staff is in <br /> the process of developing such a plan. Mayor Sullivan stated that the City needs a five-year, or <br /> "strategic"plan, setting goals for a five-year period for annual review. She stated that Council <br /> intends to work closely with Staff to implement such a plan this year, taking into account Charter <br /> guidelines and the overall needs of the City. <br /> Chair Montain pointed out that at its January meeting the Commission voted to bypass 1998 and <br /> begin in earnest to develop and implement a five-year CIP in 1999. <br /> Mr. Pecchia explained that the Police Department developed a five-year CIP, and that even <br /> though very little was implemented during the first year the Department was able to extend the <br /> plan and certainly had a basis for achieving its goals. <br /> Council Member Lyden echoed commitment to implementation of a five-year plan, but <br /> emphasized the importance of such a plan being relevant as an accurate, working planning tool. <br /> Chair Montain expressed regret that this matter had not been effectively pursued in the past, <br /> acknowledging that a productive plan would require ongoing cooperation between the Charter <br /> Commission and City Council. He explained that the action taken at the January Commission <br /> meeting to bypass 1998 represents the Commission's intent to give this matter proper thought <br /> and preparation. <br /> Commissioner Turner asked if a starting point exists, and Mayor Sullivan suggested the budget <br /> as a basis for fund allocation. She added that the Charter Commission's five-year CIP must be <br /> tied to the overall strategic plan for the City, which would include such critical components as <br /> the 2020 Vision and the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Commissioner Corson suggested that the Commission could benefit from Council's finalized <br /> goals for the City in the development of its five-year CIP. <br /> Chair Montain concluded that it is Council's goal to develop and implement a five-year CIP. <br /> Ms. Vaske suggested that a new, separate five-year CIP might be incorporated into the budget <br /> book. Such a plan would require less detail and would allow for a certificate of performance as <br /> well as a certificate for the budget. Ms. Vaske suggested that during the budget process Council <br /> and the Commission could work together to ensure that all goals are included, possibly through <br /> budget sessions including committees representing various interests. <br /> 4 <br />
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