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01-08-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
1998 Minutes
01-08-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
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Charter Commission <br /> January 8, 1998 <br /> Page 2 <br /> MOTION by Commissioner Bening, seconded by Commissioner Rehbine,to accept the corrected <br /> version of the Charter Commission minutes of October 9, 1997. The motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> APPEARANCES <br /> Chair Montain introduced Mary Vaske, Finance Director for the City of Lino Lakes, stating that <br /> she would be addressing the group regarding the Capital Improvement(CIP) Five-Year Plan, <br /> which is called for by Charter Section 7.05. This Plan was prepared and implemented in 1990 <br /> and remained in place until 1994. Chair Montain indicated that there is currently an effort being <br /> made to revive use of the Plan. <br /> Ms. Vaske explained that the purpose of the CIP is to aid in the budgeting process, and should be <br /> in place prior to developing the next year's budget. The CIP should then be updated annually. <br /> Ms. Vaske further explained that, unfortunately, with the 1998 budget already having been <br /> formally adopted, development of the CIP would be of no value for 1998. The CIP should be <br /> developed in February or March to cover a five-year period, and incorporated into the budget <br /> process in June. The CIP can include such capital expenditures as police squad cars, fire trucks, <br /> street reconstruction and building construction, providing a basis to spread such expenditures as <br /> are determined to be appropriate over a five-year period. <br /> According to Ms. Vaske, the CIP Five-Year Plan document is extremely difficult to assemble but <br /> if done correctly can be effective as a budgetary aid. She added that her immediate concern is <br /> that the 1998 budget is in place, and proposed a CIP for implementation beginning with the 1999 <br /> budget be initiated this year. She reiterated the Plan is only effective if done correctly and in a <br /> timely manner. <br /> Commissioner Solfest stated the obvious need for follow through on a CIP Five-Year Plan in <br /> order to make the effort worthwhile. Ms. Vaske agreed, adding that credence on the part of City <br /> Staff and Council is also crucial to the effectiveness of the CIP. <br /> Chair Montain asked specifically about support from Council. Ms. Vaske stated that she <br /> presented the 1998 CIP to Council and did not receive a response. She received a negative <br /> reaction from Staff. <br /> Commissioner Dahl asked how use of the CIP could be ensured. Ms. Vaske explained that once <br /> a CIP is compiled, an advisory body could monitor its incorporation into budgetary <br /> considerations. <br /> Commissioner Dunn agreed that it would be nonproductive to attempt use of the 1998 CIP Five- <br /> Year Plan. He added that the Charter Commission should bring this matter before Council and <br /> obtain a commitment that this meaningful process will be followed, or recommend that the <br /> Charter be amended to eliminate this requirement. <br /> 2 <br />
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