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01-08-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
Charter Commission
1998 Minutes
01-08-1998 Charter Minutes (2)
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Charter Commission <br /> January 8, 1998 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Chair Montain stated that this problem is not unique to Lino Lakes. He added that the articles in <br /> the newsletter and newspaper prior to the election were effective, and that this type of publicity <br /> should be continued. <br /> Commissioner Rehbine suggested that the Commission plan to place an article in the newsletter <br /> and local newspaper on a regular basis, updating residents and including references to the Charter <br /> where appropriate. <br /> Commissioner Turner expressed concern that there is no vehicle whereby such a process will <br /> remain ongoing, suggesting that a policy be developed to ensure continued communication for <br /> the future. She also raised the issue of the filing system. <br /> Chair Montain suggested establishment of a timeline for publication. He also pointed out that <br /> the local cable television channel provides information on upcoming City meetings. <br /> Commissioner Turner asked if the Charter Commission's By Laws could be amended to include <br /> such a mandate. Commissioner Sullivan responded that the By Laws allow for election of an <br /> assistant secretary. <br /> Chair Montain suggested that the By Laws could be amended to include a communications <br /> officer who would assist in publications and advertisement for the purpose of Commission <br /> communication. <br /> Commissioner Turner drew the group's attention to the Vision/Mission Statement which she <br /> prepared for previous consideration. Commissioner Dunn acknowledged that response was not <br /> enthusiastic, but that the Charter Commission would be best served by a vision statement. He <br /> added that a vision and/or mission statement could include some of the Commission's most <br /> important objectives, and that they could, in turn, be incorporated into the By Laws. He <br /> suggested that the Commission discuss this issue at its April meeting to allow for input from <br /> newly-appointed members. Chair Montain agreed. <br /> Commissioner Turner also requested that the issue of rewording the Charter be revisited, asking <br /> if that process should go forward without a vision/mission statement. Commissioner Corson <br /> stated that the Charter should be reworded, with or without a vision/mission statement. <br /> Commissioner Dunn stated that the City needs an educational process to be offered to its citizens. <br /> He added that there remains a lack of knowledge as to what the Charter is, why it exists, etc. <br /> Commissioner Turner suggested that a format such as that proposed for the Village Academy <br /> might be useful in a citizen education effort. Commissioner Corson suggested that the <br /> Commission itself must first be educated before attempting to educate others. Commissioner <br /> Dunn agreed, stating that by going through the Charter language in the rewording process the <br /> Commission will come to understand it and be in a better position to educate the public. <br /> 5 <br />
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