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04-08-1999 Charter Minutes
1999 Minutes
04-08-1999 Charter Minutes
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Charter Commission
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Charter Commission <br /> April 8, 1999 <br /> Page 3 <br /> Council Member Bergeson suggested the Council direct the City Engineer to develop a <br /> prioritized list of road reconstruction projects. <br /> Commissioner Dunn requested Council Members read section 8.04 of the Charter very carefully <br /> regarding state aid roads and road reconstruction. <br /> FIVE-YEAR FINANCIAL PLAN <br /> Mayor Sullivan apologized for the delay on the five year financial plan. The City has retained <br /> it's commitment to developing the plan and it is one Ms. Waite Smith's top priorities. <br /> Ms. Waite Smith stated she has been working on a five year financial plan. She advised that she <br /> contacted many surrounding communities regarding their five year financial plan. Only two (2) <br /> of the cities contacted had a five year financial plan. <br /> Ms. Waite Smith distributed a draft of the five year financial plan and reviewed it. She noted the <br /> plan is a work in progress. The plan is still being worked on and should be completed soon. <br /> Chair Montain asked if it will be part of the 2000 budget. Ms. Waite Smith advised the five year <br /> financial plan will be part of the 2000 budget. The plan will be updated every year before the <br /> budget is done. She noted the Legislature has a tremendous impact on how useful the plan will <br /> be. <br /> Commissioner Sullivan asked when the City's audit will be completed. He asked that the report <br /> regarding road reconstruction be put in the Charter Commission's July packet. He asked that a <br /> list of department objectives also be included in their packets. He asked if the five year financial <br /> plan will be published. <br /> Ms. Waite Smith indicated the City will have a preliminary report regarding the audit this month. <br /> She stated a summary of the five year plan will be part of the annual budget calendar. <br /> Commissioner Kenfield suggested a summary of the plan be published in the quarterly <br /> newsletter. <br /> COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN <br /> Mayor Sullivan stated the Council has been asked to send a letter to the Comprehensive Plan <br /> Task Force regarding an update on the proposed Comprehensive Plan. Last September, 1998, the <br /> Plan was approved on a 3/2 vote. It was then forwarded to the Metropolitan Council for review. <br /> The City is having a meeting with the Metropolitan Council next week regarding a complete <br /> filing of the Plan. <br /> The Metropolitan Council will review the Plan with other cities plans. The Metropolitan Council <br /> sets up goals for each city. The Comprehensive Plan that was submitted had lower goals than <br /> 3 <br />
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