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10-05-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1981 Minutes
10-05-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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October 5 , 1981 <br /> Park Board <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order on <br /> October 5 , 1981 , by Chairman LeBlond with the following members present ; <br /> Volk, R. Johnson , K. Johnson. Absent ; Scherer, Flannery , Arntzen. <br /> Mrs . LeBlond noted that these meetings had been scheduled to open at 7 : 00 <br /> P .M. for' the purpose of discussing the CIP . <br /> The minutes of the September meeting were discussed (they were incomplete <br /> due to faulty recording on the tape) . Mrs . LeBlond asked if there were <br /> any additions to these minutes . The general consensus of the members was <br /> there had been discussion of the use of Lino Park by private parties for <br /> personal parking. It had been requested to check for Ordinance provisions <br /> covering this type of action. The Park Board requested that minutes be <br /> mailed out at least a week before the meeting . Also , be sure the Board <br /> members get copies of the Council minutes . <br /> Mr. K. Johnson moved to approve as corrected. Seconded by Mr. Volk. <br /> Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mr. Volk presented the plans for the proposed bath house for the Country <br /> Lakes Park. He pointed out some changes in the plans . Mr. Volk said he <br /> would have copies of the final plans showing the elevations for the next <br /> Board meeting. <br /> There was discussion on the possibility of levying a small charge for the <br /> use of the beach and bathhouse to off set the cost of a life guard. <br /> Representatives of the Centennial Little League were present . They were <br /> here to discuss Fields 1 9 4 at Sunrise Park. They are asking for fences <br /> to be installed down the lst and 3rd base lines and for bleachers to be <br /> installed. They have presented a request to the Lino Lakes Lions Club <br /> asking for donations to assist in the cost of this equipment. These men <br /> also offered assistance in the cleaning of the fields by parents of the <br /> players . <br /> The representatives had some criticism of the existing parking facilities <br /> and presented some suggestions for moving some posts to allow for additiona= <br /> parking. <br /> Mr. Volk noted that the City has a development plan prepared for that park <br /> and pointed out the area that will be used for additional parking. <br /> The length of the fences along the base lines was discussed - the Repre- <br /> sentatives felt the fences were too short and should be extended some 3 <br /> to 4 feet . <br /> The general upkeep of the fields was discussed with Mr. Volk pointing out <br /> that the fields are mowed and dragged on a regular basis or at least twice <br /> a month as personnel is available . <br /> Mr. Volk felt the concerns of these person was legimate and he plans to <br /> attend a Lions meeting to discuss this with them. <br /> Mr. Volk reported on the Dedicated Funds . There is $87 ,091 . 00 in the <br /> fund at this time and this is a current figure . <br />
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