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09-08-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1981 Minutes
09-08-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> September 8 , 1981 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7 : 30 P.M- on September 8 , 1981 by Chairman LeBlond. Members present; <br /> Scherer , Volk , Arntzen , Ray Johnson , Ken Johnson , Flannery. Mr. Schumacher <br /> was also present. <br /> The July 6 , 1981 minutes were considered. MR. Scherer moved to approve the <br /> minutes . Seconded by Ken Johnson. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Volk discussed the parking lot at Sunrise Park. Mr. Volk needed some <br /> additional material. <br /> While he was absent , Mrs . LeBlond suggested setting a date for a walking tour <br /> of the parks . The date was set for ednesday, September 16th and will leave <br /> the City Hall at 5 : 00 P.M. The Parks will be toured in sequesnce - City <br /> Hall Park , Lino Park, Sunrise Park, Shendndoah Park and Country Lakes Park. <br /> The Board returned to the discussion of the parking lots at Sunrise Park. <br /> Two parking lots had been planned for that park. Mr. Volk reported that the <br /> central parking lots creats a problems and he suggested moving the parking <br /> lot to the area proprosed for the tennis courts and the tennis courts to a <br /> shaded area. The South parking lot will not fit into the area proposed. <br /> Mr . Volk suggested putting in a narrow parking strip . There was discussion <br /> on this proposal. <br /> Mr. Schumacher presented the proposal for the bath house in Country Lakes <br /> Parks . This is included in the overall application for the LAWCON Grant and <br /> ^there is a 30 day time frame for completion of the Grant application. <br /> The application requires an elevation figure to be included . Mr. Schumacher <br /> had obtained square footage figures and presented this to the Board for their <br /> consideration. Mr . Schumacher asked for authorization to obtain preliminary <br /> elevations and floor plans and present to the State in conjunction with the <br /> application. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve this request . Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Chairman LeBlond asked that a date for a C . I .P . meeting for the updating of <br /> that plan. <br /> Mr . Volk explained that this is a five year development plan for the parks <br /> and needs to be updated. The things that have been accomplished would be <br /> deleted from the plan and new items added . Perhaps it will be necessary to <br /> move some of the planned programs from one year to another - either forward <br /> or backward . <br /> Mr. Scherer suggested meeting earlier and staying a little later and doing <br /> this at a regular meeting . This is to be a major agenda item starting in <br /> October. <br /> Mr. Volk presented the preliminary budget he had prepared for the Park Depart- <br /> ment . He noted the increase in salaries explaining that part of that is for <br /> a full time person who is qualified in maintaining and developing parks . <br />
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