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02-02-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1981 Minutes
02-02-1981 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> February 2 , . 981 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> at 7 : 30 P.M. , by Chairman LeBlond. Members present; Scherer, LeBlond, <br /> Johnson , Volk. Absent; Foster, Liljedahl . <br /> The minutes of the January meeting were not available for correction . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan presented a design for the parking areas at Country Lakes <br /> Park. She had suggested a controlled underbrush clearing for just a <br /> portion of the area to create a shaded area and the trail areas used <br /> as boundaries . <br /> Mrs . Sullivan pointed out the site chosen for the bathroom facilities <br /> and also presented an alternate site . She said she was at a point <br /> where she needed specific instruction from this Board. <br /> Mr. Volk felt the parking should be more centralized. Scattered parking <br /> presents a patrolling problem. He felt this could be accomplished <br /> without removing too many trees . <br /> The time frame for the development of this park was discussed. <br /> Mrs . Sullivan pointed out this is only conceptal - perhaps this should <br /> be put aside for a while and this area should be toured before any <br /> final decisions are made. <br /> There was discussion of the submission of an application for a LAWCON <br /> Grant and the need of this concept for that application. <br /> Mrs . Sullivan said she had received permission to start on the <br /> Shenandoah Park. This pEejeet <br /> The use of the VFW Funds was the next item on the agenda - there is <br /> approximately $1500 . 00 for use in the Parks . <br /> Mr. Scherer thought that a motion for the use of this money had been <br /> made at the last meeting. Mr. Johnson said they had been asked to <br /> study the material that had been presented, then decide what they wanted <br /> to spend and where the equipment is to be installed. <br /> Mr. Volk went through the Resolution as passed by the Council authorizinc_ <br /> certain expenditures for the upgrading of several of the City Parks . <br /> Mr. Schumacher suggested that any adjustments or changes in the original <br /> plans should be presented to the Council . <br /> Mr. Johnson said he would like to see something done for tots at the <br /> City Hall Park. <br /> Mr . Volk moved to spend VFW Funds to develop a tot lot at City Hall <br /> Park. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried . <br /> There was discussion of the pieces of equipment that could be used as <br /> a starting point for the area of the City Hall Park. The general <br /> consensus of the Board was that this money will accumulate and then a <br />
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