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09-02-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
09-02-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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September 2, 1980 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 7r30 P.M. by Chairman Liljedahl , Members present; Shaughnessy, Sherer, <br /> Johnson . Absent, Foster, Sears , Crouse . <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to approve the minutes of August 4 , 1980 as pre- <br /> sented. Seconded by Mr. Johnson . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> The first item on the agenda was the request for the use of the Warming <br /> house at Sunrise by the JC's by Mr. Christenson . This would be set up <br /> as a haunted house for the Halloween weekent . <br /> Mr. Christenson was questioned about insurance and he said the JC 's <br /> have insurance that would cover all aspects of :this proposal . <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl asked if there is hockey equipment stored in that build- <br /> ing at this time? She felt that Mr. Christenson should check with Mr. <br /> Volk on this matter. It was generally felt that perhaps this equipment <br /> could be moved to the garage for the few days the JC 's are requesting <br /> to use the building. Mr. Christenson assured the Park Board there would <br /> be adults for supervision and they plan to have an off duty policeman <br /> there, if possible. <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to recommend approval of this request with the <br /> following stipulation; 1) the storage of equipment in the garage -cleared <br /> Seconded by Mr. Scherer. Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Doris Sullivan, the person preparing the Sunrise and Country Lakes Park <br /> plan presented what she has to this date . She said she had done very <br /> preliminary work and presented maps to show what had been done to date. <br /> The areas where trees should be planted-some area of shrubs - the sites <br /> for future tennis courts , horse shoe courts . <br /> There was a question of the closeness of the trees to the first and <br /> third base lines . Mrs . Sullivan suggested perhaps , in order to keep <br /> this a informal park, a berm could be constructed on those base-lines . <br /> She emphazied this is a very preliminary plan . Most of the things <br /> suggested on this map are suggestions , not necessairly recommendations . <br /> There was also the suggestion of plating evergreens around the hockey <br /> rink to provide protection for the ice and provide a wind break for the <br /> skaters . <br /> There was some discussion on the possibility of some sort of soccer or <br /> football field - not for playing - just for scrimmage . This would mean <br /> some changes in the suggested planting - but Mrs . Sullivan did not feel <br /> this would present a problem. <br /> There was also discussion on the parking as outlined - is this enough? <br /> is it too much? What areas need the most? should there be formal walk <br /> paths? Someone suggested leaving the grass , if there are to be paths , <br /> the people will use the areas and then the surface can be put down . <br /> it was felt the South parking lot should be able to hold 25 to 30 cars . <br /> The center lot not so many - this lot has room for expansion if needed. <br /> Mrs . Sullivan suggested some sort of climbing facility to encourage day <br /> time use of the park. <br />
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