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08-04-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
08-04-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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1 <br /> August 4, 1980 <br /> �~ The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> { r 7 30 P.M. by Chairman Liljedahl . Members present, Shaughnessy ,Scherer, <br /> _t, ohnson, Crouse. Absent: Foster, Sears . <br /> I <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to approve the minutes of July 7 , 1980 as preseted . <br /> j Seconded by Mr. Scherer. Motion carried unanimosuly . <br /> �. The first item to be considered was the 5 year capital expenditures . Mrs . <br /> Liljedahl felt that the plan for 1980 , excluding the building at-:the City <br /> Hall Park. She asked that priority be set on the items proposed to be <br /> done in 1980 . <br /> Mr. Scherer asked who is doing the grading in the Country Lakes Park and <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl said, the Army Corps of Engineer, This is just rough <br /> grading. Mr. Liljedahl asked about the planning - Mr. Schumacher said <br /> Doris Sullivan will be in his office this week. <br /> It was generally concluded that the preliminary planning for Country Lakes <br /> and Sunrise Parks was being taken care at this time. In the Sunrise Park <br /> this planning will be done around the existing facilities , <br /> There was discussion of the proposed improvements to be done in this Park <br /> and the amount to be spent. Mrs . Liljedahl stressed that the plans made <br /> ar-e _ flexiable and can be changed at any point in time . <br /> Mr. SChumacher asked this Board would authorize Mr, Volk to get cost <br /> estimates for the parking lot at Sunrise, Mr. Johnson moved to authorize <br /> this action . Seconded by Mr. Scherer.. Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to authorize Mr. Volk to present plans for the update <br /> of the tot lot. Seconded by Mr. Crouse. Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mr. Foster arrived. <br /> There was discussion of a pleaseure rink and the tot lot proposed for the <br /> Lino Hall Park. There was a question on the use of a trailer for a <br /> warming house - someone questioned the use of this type of building - is <br /> it legal according to law? Mr. Schumacher will research this . <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to authorize Mr. Volk,,..�y,t��QQ�� establish the cost of grading <br /> for the pleaseure rink and tot lot atc' i 'Park to include lights .. <br /> Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl noted that $16,000. 00 is budgeted for a hockey rink at <br /> Sunrise Park. <br /> A representative from District 831 appeared before the Board seeking funds <br /> for support of the Recreational program. Mrs . Liljedahl pointed out that <br /> the City Council had suthorized a $500 . 00 donation to Centennial District <br /> #12 for alike program. Mrs . Liljedahl recommended the Council consider <br /> a donation of $500 . 00 to District #831 for support of the Mickey Mantle <br /> Baseball team's trip to Milwaukee. Seconded by Mr. Johnson. Motion <br /> parried unanimosuly . - <br /> Mr. Larry Crouse volunteered for assistance to this program and it was <br /> suggested that a member of the Council work with Mr. Crouse. Mrs . Elsen- <br /> peter was suggested as a possibility. <br />
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