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06-02-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1980 Minutes
06-02-1980 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board <br /> June 2 ,, 1980 <br /> ..The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order <br /> �1 by Vice Chairman Shaughnessy. Members present; Scherer,Johnson , Sears . <br /> Absent: Liljedahl , Crouse, Foster, <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes of May 5, 1980 as written . <br /> Seconded by Mr . Johnson , Motion carried unanimoulsly . <br /> Under Old Business , the location of the parks in Sunset Oaks Plat was <br /> discussed. <br /> Mr . Schumacher suggested this is necessary in order to have on record as <br /> to the location of these planned parks in order to give the Park Board <br /> knowledge of these locations . <br /> Mr. Stanley said the Tot Lot should be somewhere near the corner of <br /> Thomas or in that area . Mr . Stanley felt the ball fields should be away <br /> from the tot lot. <br /> Mrs . Liljedahl arrived. <br /> Mr. Stanley said the approximate cost of the existing tot lot was $10 ,000 . 0 <br /> There was also discussion of having spece between the tot lot and the ball <br /> fields . Lots 8XSX for the ball fields and lot for the tot lot on lot 6 . <br /> Mr. Stanley said these choices are not fixed, if the Park decided that <br /> another location would be better, there would no problem in changeing. <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved that Lot 8 be accepted for the ball field and Lot 6 <br /> be designated for the Tot Lot, with the tot lot to be completed by Mr. <br /> Roy Stanley. Mr. Schumacher suggested that the Block numbers be included . <br /> The Tot lot is lot 6 , block 3, the ball fields Lot 8 , block 3. Seconded by <br /> Mrs . Sears . Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Schumacher suggested that the work to be done by Mr. Stanley be laved <br /> out so that he knows what is expected of him. <br /> Mr. Stanley said his understanding was the ball fields would be graded , <br /> back stops installed, constructed so they would be ready to use . The tot <br /> lot would be completed as the previous one had been . <br /> The infield to be measured for the bases and limed, the backstops installed <br /> the outfield seeded and graded, home plate and pitchers mound be establishe <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved this to be included in his previous motion . Seconded <br /> by Mrs . Sears . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> The Shenandoah Park was discussed. Mr . Volk reported on the work being <br /> done in that area. it has been filled in, leveled off and seeded.. <br /> Mr. Volk was asked to prepare some plans for the installation of a Tot Lot <br /> in this area . <br /> ender new business , the development plat for the Country Lakes Plan was <br /> to be discussed but they listened to Mr. Shackle from the Centennial <br /> Hockey Association . He was here to discuss the condition of the Sunrise <br /> Rink and to ask something should be done . He felt that now is the time <br />
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