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March 3,1980 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> ' : 45 P .M. , March 3, 1980 by Chairman Liljedahl . Members present; Scherer, <br /> Johnson, Crouse. Absent; Foster, Shaughnessy . <br /> There were no minutes from the previous meeting for approval . <br /> The plat of Wollan Estates was considered. Mr. Scherer moved that a <br /> total of 10 . 5 acres be taken from Lots 14 and 15 in this plat to satisfy <br /> the requirements for this plat and the Lino Industrial Park plat . 5 . 5 <br /> acres would be credited to the Lino Industrial Park and 5 acres for the <br /> Wollan Estates . Seconded by Mr. Johnson . Motion declared passed . <br /> A special Park Meeting was scheduled for March 27, 1980 for a review of <br /> the LAWCON Grant application. <br /> Plans for the Building at the City Hall Park were reviewed and will be <br /> considered at the April meeting for approval <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to adjourn at 8 :50 P.M. Seconded by Mr. Crouse. Aye <br />