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12-03-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1979 Minutes
12-03-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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December 3, 1979 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park Board was held on December 3, 1979 . <br /> Members present : Liljedahl , Crouse , Shaughnessy, Scherer, Cheesebrough , <br /> Foster . Absent; Johnson . Mr. Zelinka and Mr . Schumacher were also present . <br /> These minutes were recorded by Mr. Crouse . <br /> The minutes from the meeting held on November 5 , 1979 were approved as <br /> written . <br /> Under Old Business , Mr. Zelinka and Mr . Schumacher reported on the Council ' s <br /> approval for final plans to be drawn for the four season building at the <br /> City Hall Park with the stipulation that the fees not exceed $1 , 000 . 00 . <br /> Discussion was held on the necessity of constructin a two story building <br /> rather than one , etc . <br /> The Arean Acres plat was discussed and it was found the Park Land dedica- <br /> tion is in error - more land will need to be included in the Park lands . <br /> There was discussion on the practice of taking land instead of acreage . <br /> Some information from the State Planning Agency indicates that a specific <br /> Ordinance may be necessary dealing with the value of lots . <br /> There was discussion on meets and bounds versus flat fee on platted on <br /> either an acreage or plot basis . Shockepee had a multi-family dwelling <br /> cost computed on permit plus bedrooms per unit . The industrial property <br /> has been discussed and several recommendations on this matter has been <br /> forwarded to the Council . These recommendations could be put into the <br /> Comprehensive Land Use Plan and should be done soon . <br /> Ms . Phyllis Hanson and Mr . Morty Jenson are willing to come to the City <br /> Hall for a meeting with the Park Board some time after the Holidays , <br /> preferrably at the next regular meeting (January 7 , 1980) . <br /> On considering the Wollon property plat , there is an additional acreage <br /> or money that needs to be corrected . <br /> There has been Council discussion on the matter of the liasion to the <br /> Park Board - this could be handled by Mr. Schumacher but a final decision <br /> has not been made . <br /> A secretary will be considered on the next Council agenda . A tape recorder <br /> and transcriber would perhaps be best . This would be work for work and <br /> reviewed by someone knowlegable . <br /> Expenses and pert!diem was discussed . Mr . Schumacher will make a <br /> recommendation on this matter . <br /> Mr. Tom Shaughness moved that, we as members be reimbursed or given a <br /> stipend for attending meeting and/or for expenses , or both, as would best <br /> suit the situation . The Motion was seconded and passed . <br /> On further discussion on the public building the Board 's reinforced their <br /> '^ previous <br /> p position by passing the following Resolution . <br /> That Greg Olson be authorized to complete the plans and specifications <br /> for this building. <br />
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