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10-01-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1979 Minutes
10-01-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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October 1, 1979 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park Board was called to order by Vicechairman Tom <br /> Shaughnessy at 8:05 p.m. , October 1, 1979. Members present: Charles Cheesebrough, <br /> Larry Crouse, Peter Scherer and Ken Johnson. Members absent: Chairman Ina Liljedahl , <br /> Gary Foster, and Council liaison Richard Zelinka. Also present were Mayor Karth, <br /> arriving at 8:30 p.m. , and Ken Gourley from the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br /> The first item on the aqenda was the approval of the minutes from the last three <br /> meetings. Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes of the August 6, August 20 and <br /> September 6 meetings. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion <br /> declared passed. <br /> Mr. Zelinka was not present to dive his report from the Council . <br /> The next item of business was the discussion and review of the proposed budget. The <br /> Council had cut the parks budget, and Mr. Shaughnessy noted there was not too much <br /> the Park Board could do about it. It was possible the City Administrator would revise <br /> the budget with the Council ' s approval later on. Mr. Scherer moved to accept the <br /> budget. Mr. Cheesebrough seconded the motion. All were in favor. Motion declared <br /> passed. Mr. Scherer noted the Parks budget was up $5,000 from last year, and Sunrise <br /> Park rink would come out of the 1979 budget. Don Volk was checking on lighting and <br /> labor from the hockey club for the rink. There was no information back on this yet. <br /> In reference to the LAWCON grant, Mr. Crouse reviewed the information contained in his <br /> letter, and brought the Park Board up to date on where the matter stood: On the first <br /> of September, the Park Board had received notice of a meeting at which they could <br /> appear in regard to the LA'WCON grant; however, before the meeting took place, f1etro <br /> ,•�, denied the grant because the City didn' t meet their criteria. Mr. Crouse and Mrs. <br /> Liljedahl had discussed this, and both felt the meeting should be attended despite <br /> the denial , if only to meet with some of the people who made the decision and to try <br /> to get a better idea of what they were basing it on. Mr. Crouse had put together some <br /> objections to Metro's decision; after talking with Mr. Johnboys and a member of Metro <br /> Council , it seemed that the grant was being denied because of the interpretation of <br /> two or three different things. There seemed to be some real problems there, and Mr. <br /> Johnboys had suggested that it be pursued at the meeting with Metro, or that the Council <br /> or City Attorney write a letter of objection and request an appeal . Since that time, <br /> Mr. Zelinka had not been available to discuss or review the matter, and other Council <br /> members had been contacted, but there had been no response back from the Council to <br /> date. Mr. Crouse felt the issue of the rejection of the grant should have been addressed <br /> more immediately, and that the Park Board alone, as it was not a governing body, could <br /> not take the matter back to Metro. This would require Council action. Mrs. Liljedahl <br /> had thought perhaps it was the intention of the Council to wait for the Metro meeting <br /> in January, as had been discussed at the last Park Board meetinq; However, Mr. Crouse <br /> felt if the rejection of the grant were not addressed now, there would be little or <br /> no recourse, as the meeting in January dealt with the criteria for a new year. If this <br /> grant were denied on the basis of Metro's criteria, then in all probability the City <br /> could not expect to get any other grants in the future. Nr. Johnson noted that in <br /> reading over the Council minutes , Mr. Zelinka' s presentation had been somewhat brief <br /> and had not addressed the whole issue. The Park Board had in the past been accused of <br /> not being, progressive, but in this case, not only was the budget cut, but there was <br /> no support back from the Council on the Park Board's initiative. Mr. Crouse indicated <br /> that according to Mr. Johnboys , Metro Council could make their own rules , but they <br /> had to stay within state and federal guidelines; Mr. Johnboys had given the impression <br /> .^ that Lino Lakes might have a case here. However, the Park Board could not proceed in <br /> the matter without direction from the Council . <br />
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