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07-02-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1979 Minutes
07-02-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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l 9-7 7 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Parks, Recreation and Environmental Commission was <br /> called to order Monday, July 2, 1979 at 8:00 P.M. by Co-Chairman Shaughnessy. Members <br /> �esent: Johnson, Scherer, Shaughnessy, Cheesebotrough,Ctouse. Members absent: Foster, <br /> jdahl . Mayor Karth and Council Liason Zelinka were also present. <br /> . Scherer moved to approve the minutes of the June 4th, 1979 meeting. Mr. Crouse seconded <br /> the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Mr. Crouse moved to approve the minutes of the ,tune 11 , 1979 meet+mg. Mr. Scherer seconded the <br /> motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Kitten Ball Tournament. <br /> Two gentlemen requested the use of Lino Park for a Kitten Ball Tournament July 14 and 15 and <br /> also requested a beer permit. They explained this was to be a VFW sanctioned tournament. <br /> It was explained that the group holding the tournament would have to provide the Council <br /> with a letter from the Commander of the VFW stating this was a VFW function and naming the <br /> manager or person who would be responsible. The letter should also state that the VFW in- <br /> surance and bond would cover this function. A $50.00 clean-up deposit will also he r-luired <br /> but returned when the grounds were returned to satisfactory conditimn. Mr. Zelinka said the <br /> letter should be at Council Monday July 9, 1979 and the Council will consider the request <br /> then. <br /> Mr. Zelinka told the Board of the Council actions regarding the actions of the June 4th and <br /> June Ilth requests. The Council authorized the expenditure of $1200 in planning the All - <br /> Season Park Building and application of the LAWCON grant. It was the general feeling of the <br /> Council that they should wait and see if the grant has a chance before authorizing release <br /> any further funds. Mr. Zelinka said the Council feels this particular Park Board is <br /> jwing a lot of initiative and common sense.and it working hard to formulate City Park Plans. <br /> Mr. Zelinka said the (ROuncil will consider the payment of Mileage for Boord members in the <br /> 1980 .budget. He doubted mileage would be paid retroactive. <br /> Mr. Zelinka said Mr. Schneider authorized the expenditure for a sprayer to spray weeds in the <br /> Parks. It should be noted that this expenditure was in view of other park expenditures and <br /> will not add to the Park budget. <br /> Mr. Crouse explained to the Board all that was bnvolved in preparing the LAWCON grants and <br /> explained he had help from Mrs. Liljdahl , Mrs. Anderson and Mr. Volk. The grant request was <br /> submitted June 29, 1979 and the Board should know in September of October how the application <br /> is proceeding. <br /> Plat - Bloom's Addition. <br /> The Park reviewed the plat, Bloom's Addition. Mr. Johnson moved to accept cash in lieu of <br /> land for Park dedication. Mr. Scherer seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Other Business <br /> Mr.Cheeseborough asked what happened to the petition from the Shenandoah residents requesting <br /> completior, of Shenandoah park. The Clerk said this was the first she had heard of it. <br /> ,1-1"` Crouse moved that the petition regarding a park in Shenandoah be reviewed and the Board <br /> _'Dmmendsthe park be impleminted or the Council determine the date when the park will be <br /> completed to the Park Boards satisfaction. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion declared <br /> passed. <br /> Mr. Sherer moved to accept the 5 Year Park Aciton Plan as prepared for the LAWCON Grant ap- <br /> plication.and forward it to the Planning and Zoning Board for inclusion in the Comprehensive <br />
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