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01-02-1979 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1979 Minutes
01-02-1979 Park Board Minutes
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1�r . 19 7 7 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Recreation and Environmental Commission was <br /> to be called to order at 8:00 P.M. , Monday, January 2, 1979. There was not a quor- <br /> um present. Members present: Scherer, Shaughnessy, Crouse. Members absent; Ken <br /> Johnson, Ina Liljedahl , Milton Jorgensen, Charles Cheeseborough. Mr. Zelinka Council <br /> Liason and Mr. Bill Short, City Planner was also present. <br /> Mr. Zelinka explained that when he became Park Board Liason last January de did not <br /> know that the Park Board considered the plan prepared by the University Students <br /> for City Hall Park as the permanent plan for the Park. The Park Board told him <br /> otherwise. <br /> Mr. Zelinka also told the Board that the Council gave the Park Board permission to <br /> make a serious effort at preparing plans for a permanent activities building for the <br /> City Hall Park as well as giving the Board permission to consult with Mr. Short in <br /> preparing an overall City Comprehensive Park plan. Presently several Council members <br /> are concerned about the lack of Park facilities on the east side of the City. <br /> Mr. Scharer felt the Council should be more concerned about developing an over all <br /> City development plan especially concerned about developing industrial and commer- <br /> cial districts. He felt it would be only natural to develop industrial areas along <br /> the freeways since this is the way the freeways are developing to the south of the <br /> City. <br /> Mr. Short noted that the City had prepared a Comprehensive Land Use Plan in 1973 <br /> that addressed itself to this type of development and the City is presently up dat- <br /> ing this plan. This Comprehensive Land Use Plan includes an overall City Park Plan <br /> and this Park Plan should be up dated by the Park Board rather than the Planning <br /> and Zoning Board. <br /> Mr. Zelinka said one of the major concerns will be what are the vealistic Park needs <br /> of this City in the next 5, 10, 15 years? <br /> Mr. Short showed the Board the Comprehensive Park Plan his firm prepared for South <br /> St. Paul . He felt some of the standards developed for South St. Paul could be used <br /> in this City. <br /> The Clerk showed Mr. Short the map showing all platted areas of the City and noted <br /> some other areas that may be developed in the very near future. This information <br /> could be helpful in developing the overall park plan. <br /> Mr. Shor said he would ask one of his staff members to prepare some practical stand- <br /> ards that this board could use in updating the overall Park Plan and get it to the <br /> Clerk before the next meeting. <br /> Mr. Short wild also outline IIC of the Lino Lakes Outdoor Recreation Plan Update <br /> and check on IV B, 2, and 3. <br /> The Lino Lakes Outdoor Recreation Plan Update will be sent to all Park Board members <br /> by the Clerk and the members should to the best of their ability try to outline <br /> �1 what they feel the needs are according to this update plan. <br /> The meeting adjourned at IO.00P.M. <br />
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