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11-20-1978 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1978 Minutes
11-20-1978 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Recreation and Environmental Commission was called <br /> to order at 8:05 P.M. Monday, November 20, 1978 by Chairman Resch. Members present: <br /> Resch , Scherer, Liljedahl , Foster, Shaughnessy, Johnson. Mr. Crouse arrived at 8:20 P.M. <br /> Members absent: None. Mr. Zelinka, Council Liason was not present. <br /> Mr. Foster moved to approve- the October 16, 1978 minutes as written. Mrs. Liljedahl <br /> seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Mr. Resch did not have a report. <br /> There was discussion on the Park hoard recommendation that a $150.00 park donation fee <br /> be paid by each new home building permit purchaser. in Lino Lakes. The Clerk was asked <br /> to check to see at what stage this proposal is since the Park Board would like the <br /> issue resolved before January 1 , 1979. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl said she had been in contact with Mr. Stanley and he has purchased four <br /> large items and a Shelter for the park in Sunset Oaks. The construction will be of <br /> natural logs. <br /> ivir. Shaughnessy read a resolution prepared by himself and Mr. Foster as requested by <br /> the Park Hoard at the October 16, 1978 meeting: <br /> BE IT RESOLVED, that any lands donated for Parks or dedicated for Park as Park dedication <br /> shall be retained under the Park Board. If any Park lands are eventually sold any <br /> monies received equal to or over the original value of the land shall become part of <br /> the dedicated Park funds. <br /> '^ Mr. Shaughnessy moved to adopt this resolution. Mr. Liljedahl seconded the motion. <br /> The motion was declared passed. <br /> The Board reviewed the plat Oak Knoll . Mrs. Liljedahl moved to recommend that the <br /> Council accept money in lieu of land for this plat. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. <br /> Motion declared passed. <br /> There was discusion on the construction of the warming house in the new Public Works <br /> building. Mr. Resch said the Athletic Association will be approaching the City asking <br /> for storage space in the building above the warming house. Presently the Athletic <br /> Association stores their football , soccor and other equipment in Association members <br /> garages. He was not sure if the Council needed to be advised of this request. <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to adjourn at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Aye. <br />
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