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05-15-1978 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1978 Minutes
05-15-1978 Park Board Minutes
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May 15, 1978 <br /> n <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was <br /> called to order at 8:05 P.M., May 15, 1978 by Vice Chairman Liljedahl . Members present: <br /> Liljedahl , Scherer, Shaughnessy, Johnson. Members absent: Resch, Crouse, Foster. <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to accept the minutes of the April 17, 1978 meeting. Mr. Johnson <br /> seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Mr. Resch and Mr. Zelinka were not present to give their reports. <br /> Park Names - Suggestions <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl asked if anyone had any suggestions for a name for the park next to City <br /> Hall . Municipal Park and Main Street Park were suggested. It was decided to table this <br /> matter until the full commission could offer suggestions. <br /> Ballfields <br /> Mrs. Anderson told the commission that the ballfields at Sunrise Park had been switched. <br /> The two south fields are now softball fields and the two north fields are now little league <br /> fields. Mr. Volk had said that the ag lime will be delivered to the fields this week. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl noted that the outfield fence at the west ballfield at City Hall Park <br /> is now located on the soccor field. She wondered if Mr. Hanson had talked to Mr. Volk <br /> about it. Mrs. Anderson said she thought he had. <br /> Mrs. Anderson asked about the article in the Forest Lake Times which iedicated that the <br /> LARA is going to build sand boxes in back of the backstops at City Hall Park. Mrs. Lil- <br /> jedahl said this had been suggested but felt the Association would be presenting plans <br /> to the Park Board. Mr. Shaughnessy said he hoped they understood that all park additions <br /> must be approved by the Park Board. <br /> Plat - Sunset Estates - Jim Schilling <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to recommend to the Council that money in lieu of land be accepted for <br /> the Sunset Estates Plat. Mr. Johnson seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Plat - School Subdivision - Elmer Crohn <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy moved to recommend to the Council that money in lieu of land for the School <br /> Subdivision be accepted. Mr. Scherer seconded the motion. Motion declared passed. <br /> Tour East Side of City <br /> Mr. Scherer recommended that setting a date to tour the east side of the City for a <br /> possible park site be tabled until more commission members are present. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to adjourn at 8:40 P.M. Mr. Shaughnessy seconded the motion. Aye. <br />
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