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01-16-1978 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1978 Minutes
01-16-1978 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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January 16, 1978 <br /> ne regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was <br /> called to order at 8:05 P.M. by Chairman Resch. Members present: Liljedahl , Gredvig, <br /> Johnson, Shaughnessy, Scherer. Members absent: Crouse. Councilman, Schneider and <br /> Council liaison, Zelinka were also present. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to accept the minutes of the December 19, 1977 meeting. Mr. Gredvig <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to nominate Mr. Resch as Chairman of the 1978 Board. Mr. Gredvig <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl moved to nominate Mr. Gredvig as Vice Chairman. Mr. Schered seconded <br /> the motion. Mr. Gredvig said he thought he may move from the City within this year <br /> and withdrew his name from nomination. <br /> Mr. Scherer nominated Mrs. Liljedahl as Vice Chairman. Mr. Gredvig seconded the mot- <br /> ion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Schneider reported that Mr. Volk had looked into funding from CETA for help at <br /> Sunrise Park. Mr. Schneider had contacted Commissioner Burman who told him the funds <br /> are available. A letter from Mr. Burman will be forthcoming. <br /> Mr. Schneider listed unfinished business from 1977: <br /> �-� Sunrise Park - No provision for supervision at pleasure rink <br /> Hockey Rink- complete except for some installation by NSP. W. Schneider showed <br /> the Board a schedule prepared by Mr. Volk showing his estimate on the repair of the <br /> rink and the actual cost of repair. <br /> Barn at Sunrise - plans not finalized. <br /> - Biketrails - Mr. Schneider researched old minutes. He will have more on this later. <br /> - Name for City Hall park <br /> - Exchange lot at LaMotte Park <br /> - Determine method of cash in lieu of park land. Mr. Scherer wondered why the Planning <br /> and Zoning Board was asked for a recommendation on this subject. Mr. Zelinka gave <br /> Mr. Scherer the backround on this. <br /> - Master plan for a park system in the City - Mr. Schneider suggested that the Chairman <br /> of the Park Board get together with the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Board <br /> and prepare a plan. <br /> Mr. Shaughnessy asked how big does an area have to be to be considered a plat, four lots, <br /> 6 lots?. Mr. Zelinka said theoretically any one building lot is a plat. This is one <br /> problem that will have to be resolved as well as who should determine the value of the <br /> land that is being platted. <br /> Mr. Scherer said he had heard rumors from Centerville that the City of Centerville would <br /> like to merge with the City of Lino Lakes. <br /> Mr. Gredvig said he would question the wisdom of accepting any more land for parks for <br /> the next several years. <br /> Schneider discribed the park land that is being acquired from the Country Lakes plat <br /> along 7th Avenue. He felt Mr. Volk will be able to start developing the park this summer. <br /> He said this park will tie in with the bike trails and be a passive park. <br /> Mr. Resch asked if police reports are still be supplied to the Park Board regarding <br />
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