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12-19-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
12-19-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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December 19 , 1977 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park Board was called to order at <br /> 8 : 15 P.M. on December 19 , 19771 by Chairman Resch . Members present; Gredvig, <br /> �-%,,Averbeck, Scherer . Absent; Olson Liljedahl . Mr . Schneider, Council Liaitson, <br /> was also present , <br /> Mr. Gredvig moved to approve the minutes of the November 21 , 1977 meeting <br /> as presented . Seconded by Mr . Scherer . Motion carried unanimously . <br /> Mr . Resch inquired as to the status of the lighting at Sunrise Park and Mr. <br /> Schneider said the electrician was to have been there last week, but he had <br /> not talked to Mr. Volk and he wasn ' t sure just how much had been done . <br /> Mr . Schneider presented several items of old business this Board should <br /> consider. The first was the proposal of using part of the garage as a <br /> warming house for the skating rink. The general consensus of the Board was <br /> this had been dropped in favor of leasing the trailer. <br /> Another item to be considered is the matter of money in lieu of land for <br /> park purposes required from the developers who plat land . The method of <br /> handling this has not been set as yet. Mr. Schheider asked if any of the <br /> Board members had some suggestions . The method of valuation was suggested . <br /> The members will discuss this more at a subsequent meeting. <br /> The matter of the barn at Sunrise was discussed . Mr. Gredvig. moved to ask <br /> Mr . Volk for a recommendation - should the barn be repaired? torn down? if <br /> torn down, could some of the materials be used to add to the existing warm- <br /> ing house for the storage of equipment? Seconded by Mrs . Averbeck. Motion <br /> carried unanimously <br /> There had been a suggestion of coming up with a name for the Park at the <br /> City Hall . This had not . been considered. MR. Schneider asked the members <br /> to think of this . <br /> Mr. Al Strobben had asked about an archery range at the last Council meeting. <br /> Mr . Schneider suggested the members think of this and have a recommendation <br /> some time early next year. <br /> The suggestion that the currently City owned outlot in LaMotte ' s additions <br /> be exchanged for an interior lot had been one of the unfinished items . This <br /> had been turned over to Mr. Gotwald, but there had not been a report from <br /> him. This will be considered next year . The matter of the bike trails will <br /> also be considered. <br /> Mr. Schneider disuussed some of the items the Council will be considering <br /> in the coming year. He also, asked the members present if they will be <br /> returning to the Park Board and all present indicated a willingness to serve . <br /> Mr. Schneider felt the one item that this Board will be asked to work on in <br /> the coming year is a Master Plan for Parks for the City . <br /> Mr. Gredvig suggeseted having the Planner to a Park Board meeting, divide <br /> the City in quardants , establish a formula that would dictate the installation <br /> of a park and establish a policy on whether to require land or money . Mr. <br /> "—""Gredvig felt this policy is necessary to assist in establishing the Parks . <br /> It was pointed out there should be a Park liaison to the Planning and Zoning <br /> in order to establish some continuity to this process . When the Master Plan <br /> is considered, it should be at a joint meeting. <br /> Mr. Scherer -moved to adjourn at 9 : 05p.m. Seconded by Mr . Gredvig. Aye . <br />
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