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11-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
11-21-1977 Park Board Minutes
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November 21 , 1977 <br /> he regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was <br /> called to order at 8: 15 P.M. by Chairman Resch. Members present: Liljedahl , Gredvig, <br /> Scherer and Resch. Members absent; Averbeck and Olson. Mr. Schneider Council Liason <br /> was also present. <br /> Mr. Scherer moved to approve the minutes of the September 19, 1977 meeting. Mr. Gredvig <br /> seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> There were no minutes for October, there was no quroum. <br /> Mr. Schneider's Report <br /> Mr. Schneider noted that Mr. Ringaman has resigned due to a conflict with night school . <br /> Mr. Schneider, Mr. Karth and Mr. McLean had met Mr. Kronholm at a site on 7th Avenue south <br /> of the creek to look over a proposed park site for County Lakes. They felt the area was <br /> to low and not suitable and recommended to the Council that the site not be accepted. The <br /> Council so moved. Mr. McLean will meet with Mr. Kronholm again and try to work something <br /> out on a site north of the creek. <br /> The Centennial Hockey Association has been providing the labor for upgrading the hockey <br /> rink at Sunrise Park. The project' is nearly finished except for the lighting. <br /> The Li)oons Club has installed a new sign at Lino Park and have further plans for future <br /> 10�4pansion, possibly a hockey rink and warming house. Mr. Liljedahl questioned the pro- <br /> ,Dsed location of this improvement, would it interfer with the soccer field? Mr. Sch- <br /> neider said all plans would have to come before the Park Board for approval . <br /> Mr. Scherer asked where on the east side of the City could a park be located? He asked <br /> if Centerville had ever been approached with the suggestion that Centerville and Lino <br /> Lakes become one City. Mr. Schneider said, never, to his knowledge. <br /> Mr. Gredvig asked if any long range, comprehensive development plans have been made for <br /> this City? It was explained that a Comprehensive Land Use Plan was developed in 1973 and <br /> the Planning and Zoning have updated it this year as an answer to the Metro Systems State- <br /> ment. Mrs. Liljedahl suggested that the Park Board should meet with the Planning and <br /> Zoning Board at least once a year to be updated on the development within the City. <br /> Mr. Schneider reported that Mr. Volk had written to County Commissioner Burman and re- <br /> quested CETA funds for the salary of a park maintenance employee. Mr. Burman has said all <br /> CETA positions are filled at present but thought he could fit this person in the Youth <br /> Education portion of CETA. He will let the City know what can be done in this area. <br /> Lino Lakes City Council , Hugo Council and members of the Metro Open Space met November 5, <br /> 1977 and walked the area that Metro has proposed for Otter Lake Regional Park. Both Lino <br /> Lakes and Hugo are opposed to the plan. Lino Lakes has suggested the City might agree to <br /> some biketrails or foot paths. The Metro representatives said they would consider this <br /> further. <br /> ,0`4d Business <br /> Ar. Resch asked if arrangements have been made for a warming house trailer for City Hall <br /> park. The Clerk will check on this. <br />
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