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05-16-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1977 Minutes
05-16-1977 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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May 16, 1977 <br /> The regular meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission was called to <br /> order at 8:02 P.M. , May 16, 1977 by Mr. Randy Ringaman. Mr. Ringaman was asked to chair <br /> the meeting in the absence of Mr. Resch, Chairman and Mr. Gredvig, Vice Chairman. Mem- <br /> bers present: Liljedahl , Olson, Scherer, Ringaman, Averbeck, Gredvig. Mr. Schneider, <br /> Council Liason was also present. Members absent: Resch. <br /> The minutes of the April 18, 1977 meeting were considered. Mr. Ringaman noted that the <br /> sixth word in the first line of paragraph ten should be spelled NUMBERS not MEMBERS. Mr. <br /> Scherer moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Mrs. Liljedahl seconded the motion. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Resch was absent and his report was not considered. <br /> Mr. Gredvig arrived and assumed the Chair. <br /> Mr. Schneider reported on the actions of the Council . The Ladies from the University had <br /> presented the plans for the Park at City Hall . The Clerk was instructed to write a letter <br /> of appreciation to the ladies. The mower was considered but held over and approved at <br /> the May 9, 1977 Council meeting. There was considerable discussion at this Council meet- <br /> ing regarding dedicated Pard funds. The Clerk was instructed to research the matter fur- <br /> ther. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked what happened to the proposed chain link fence at Sunrise Park. Mr. <br /> Schneider said the question of a fence is still up in the air. <br /> ^Mr. Ringaman noted that the area in Sunrise Park where the Woodshed ballfield had been <br /> located was now entirely cleaned. He also noted that the satelites needed to be reposit- <br /> ioned. <br /> Mr. Schneider noted that Mr. McLean expressed strong feelings about a park located on the <br /> east side of the City. He suggested inviting Mr. Ken Gourley to attend a Park Board meet- <br /> ing because at this time the Park has no comprehensive plan and there needs to be more <br /> communication between the Planning and Zoning Board and the Park Board. <br /> Mr. Ringaman felt that this situation is not a real problem since each new development <br /> is required to dedicate land for park purposes. <br /> Mr. Volk's proposal for the ballfields in Sunrise Park was considered. Mr. Volk would <br /> like to have the two ballfields at the south end of Sunrise Park designated as softball <br /> fields and the two fields at the north end Little League fields. Mr. Schneider felt it <br /> was to late in the season to make any changes. Mr. Ringaman felt that in bringing both <br /> soft ball fields to the south end of the Park, the Board would be creating parking pro- <br /> blems too near a residential area. <br /> After further discussion it was decided to leave the ballfields as is and allow Mr. Volk <br /> to place the NSP power pole where it will be the most effective. <br /> There was discussion of the position of the satelites at Sunrise Park. Mr. Ringaman moved <br /> to position one satelite at the north end of the Park at the edge of the woods and one at <br /> the southeast corner behind the scoreboard of ballfield number 4. Mrs. Liljedahl seconded <br /> the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mrs. Liljedahl moved to place the satelite in the Park at City Hall north east of Mr. <br /> Volk's proposed site. Mr. Olson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Schneider said he would talk to Mrs. Lafond and find out if she feels a chain link <br /> fence is necessary between Sunrise Park and her property. <br />
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