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06-23-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1976 Minutes
06-23-1976 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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June 23, 1976 <br /> A special meeting of the Park, Recreation and Environmental Commission <br /> was called to order at 6: 15 P.M. June 23, 1976 by Chairman Resch. Mem- <br /> bers present; Hanson, Ringaman and Gredvig. Council liaison Schneider <br /> and Councilman Karth were present. Jerry Johnson was also present. <br /> The meeting was called for the purpose of duscussing the number of hours <br /> spent maintaining the City parks. <br /> Mr. Volk had prepared a schedule for the Commission breaking down work <br /> area in each park. <br /> Mr. Schneider asked Mr. Volk who is now painting and etc. Mr. Volk said <br /> the kids from the County work program. <br /> Mr. Resch said he questioned the time spent on park maintenance early in <br /> the season. <br /> Mr. Resch asked if1r. Volk about the amount of time used in moving snow fence <br /> at Lino Park. f1r. Volk explained he thought it was a Little League field <br /> and after the fence was up found out it was a Babe Ruth field and had to <br /> move the fence. Mr. Schneider felt that parents could have been recruit- <br /> ed to help with this. <br /> Mr. n.,,)asked who moved the fence and i1r. Volk said Mr. Rector and <br /> Mr. elped him. Mr. Ringaman asked if someone cheaper could not have <br /> done it. 14r. Volk said he would gladly hire someone to do the work cheap- <br /> er if someone responsible could be found. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked where Mr. Volk gets his parttime help. Mr. Volk ex- <br /> plained that all the parttime employees were employed before he was and <br /> he just continued using them. <br /> Mr. Volk said he felt cheaper help would not necessarily save money since <br /> they are usually harder on the equipment and did not know how to do the <br /> repairs. He stated again if cheaper reliable help could be found he would <br /> gladly hire them. <br /> Mr. Schneider asked Mr. Volk how the mower is transported. Mr. Volk said <br /> it is usually driven from one park to another. tor. Johnson explained <br /> there isn't usually anything to transport the tractor with. Also he felt <br /> it did not take much more time to drive than to load the tractor. <br /> Mr. Ringaman felt the tractor should be moved only three times a month. <br /> Mr. Volk explained the parks had to be mowed more than three times a month. <br /> Mr. Gredvig asked how big the mower is. P,tr. Volk said it is a 15 horse <br /> 1969 Cub International with a three blade 5' rotary mower. 111r. Gredvig <br /> asked if a bigger mower could save time. Mr. Volk said, Yes. <br /> Mr. Schneider asked when is equipment prepared for the season. Mr. Volk <br /> said the mower was prepared early this spring. <br /> Mr. Ringaman asked why so many hours were spend flushing the tractor rad- <br /> iator. Mr. Johnson explained that time was spent replacing hoses and <br /> other parts as well as flushing. Mr. Volk said more detailed information <br /> about those hours could be obtained in his office. <br />
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