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10-20-1975 Park Board Minutes
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1975 Minutes
10-20-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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OCTOBER 20, 1975 <br /> 'y . <br /> ()PI 111' <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreational and Environmental <br /> Commission was called to order at 8:00 P.M. by Chairman Clausen on October <br /> 20, 1975. Members present: Karth, Hanson and Resch. Members absent: <br /> LeTourneau and McGeary. Councilman McLean was also present. <br /> The minutes of the August 18, 1975 meeting were approved, as presented, on a <br /> motion from Mr. Karth that was seconded by Mr. Clausen and approved by <br /> those members present at that meeting voting in favor. <br /> The minutes of the regular September Meeting, held on September 15, 1975 <br /> were tabled until November's meeting because the Clerk had not mailed <br /> them out with the regular notices this month. <br /> The minutes of the Special meeting held on September 29, 1975 were approved <br /> after a change on Page 4, Paragraph 11 was made; Change Mr. Karth to read <br /> Mr. Resch. Motion for acceptance was made by Mr. Hanson, seconded by Mr. <br /> Ka rth. <br /> Mrs. Arlene Averback was in the audience to ask about the future of Lino <br /> Park. She lives nearby and is concerned that nothing will be done to <br /> improve that park. <br /> Mr. Karth said that because of the power line easement that NSP has, no- <br /> thing can be put under those power lines. He had been thinking of tennis <br /> courts, but upon checking found that this would not be allowed. <br /> Mr.-'Karth also explained that Lino Park has been a joint effort of the City <br /> and the Lino Lakes Lions Club. The Lions Club has met-their obligation for <br /> the present time and the City is now responsible for what is done there. ' <br /> The Lions Club has had the parking lot put in, backfields graded, bought the <br /> trees that were planted in front of the park. <br /> Mrs. Averback questioned the Park Commission on the trees. She said that <br /> she was upset that most of them have dies already. She said that she had <br /> watched them being planted and wondered why a professional was not <br /> hired to plant those trees? <br /> Mr. McLean said that among those doind the planting were some professional <br /> landscapers. <br /> Mrs. Averback asked if a pleasure skating rink could not be put in at Lino <br /> Park. She understood that there,-had been one at one times. <br /> Mr. McLean said that if they put the skating rink back in the outfield <br /> would be in worse shape than it was this year, that lot Us so low that <br /> drainage is poor in many spots. <br /> Mrs. Averback asked if it could not be put closer to Luther's property? <br /> Mr. McLean said that that was where it was originally and did not work <br /> out at all . <br /> Mrs. Averback also asked about getting the speed limit lowered on Lake <br /> Drive. She feels that the speed that is currently allowed is much too <br /> fast and wants to know the proceedure to get it lowered. <br />
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