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06-16-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1975 Minutes
06-16-1975 Park Board Minutes
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'^ June 16, 1975 <br /> ry, ' C <br /> y The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Park, Recreation and Environmental <br /> Commission was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Clausen on <br /> June 16, 1975. Members present: Hanson, Brisson and McGeary. Members <br /> absent: LeTourneau and Resch. Councilman McLean was also present. <br /> Mrs. Brisson moved to accept the minutes of the May 29, 1975 meeting as <br /> written. Motion seconded by Mr. Clausen, Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Clausen introduced Mr. Rodney Hanson to all members of the Park <br /> Commission as he is a new member replacing Mrs. Betty Kendall , who resigned <br /> earlier. <br /> Mr. Clausen read a letter he received from the Anoka County Council of <br /> Economic Opportunity, Inc. regarding fees charged and the effect this may <br /> have on low income persons. It was the feeling of the Park Commission <br /> that since the City does not charge any fees for use of the parks that <br /> this letter need not be passed to the council and the Clerk was asked <br /> to inform the Chairperson of the CAP as such. <br /> Mr. McLean advised the Commission that the 6 & 7th holes on the golf course <br /> have been rebuilt and that the county is now working on the clubhouse. <br /> The County has agreed to manage the golf course for one more year and then the <br /> City will have the option of taking over management. At the present time <br /> the County is not charging green fees as the course is not completly finished <br /> but they will be imposing the green fees ($2.25) in the near future. <br /> Mr. McLean advised the Commission to start thinking about the eventual <br /> take-over of the golf course and the "pros and cons" to such an acquisition. <br /> The meeting was continued at 8:20 P.M. until 9:10 P.M. to give the Park <br /> Commission members an opportunity to visit all the City Parks and to <br /> get a better idea of what needs to be done in each park. <br /> Upon returning, Mr. Warren Gessler was waiting to discuss the condition <br /> of Lino Park. Mr. Gessler is the coach of the Babe Ruth League that <br /> uses Lino Park. Mr. Gessler wanted to know when the park would be ready <br /> for use this year. <br /> He was reminded of the weather and the problems that the City Crews have <br /> had in getting an opportunity to mow due to all the rain. <br /> The parking lot at Lino Park will be blacktopped as soon as the contractor <br /> can get a crew in their. It has been graded and staked and parking stakes <br /> have been Out in to keep cars out of the proposed parking lots. It was noted <br /> that one of the stakes had been removed and motorcycles and horses have been <br /> driven through the park and the ball diamonds. The Road Dept. will be instructed <br /> to post "No motorized vechiles or horses" signs at both Lino Park and the Hall <br /> Park. <br /> Mr. Gessler was asked to instruct all players and spectators to please keep <br /> their cars in the designated parking areas only. <br /> Mr. Gessler was asked where the Hollywood Bases were being kept that the <br /> Lions Club donated for Lino Park. He said that they were being kept by <br /> . himself or Mr. Hanson. Mr. McLean reminded him that the bases were <br /> City Property and that they should be returned to the City Hall at the end of <br /> the season for storage. <br />
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