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05-29-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1975 Minutes
05-29-1975 Park Board Minutes
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The Park, Recreational and Enviornmental Commission of Lino Lakes meet on May 29, 1975 <br /> instead of May 19, 1975 due to a severe storm on May 19, 1975. <br /> The meeting was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Clausen. Members present: <br /> Resch and Brisson; Councilman McLean was also present. Members absent: McGeary and <br /> LeTourneau. <br /> Mr. Resch moved to approve the minutes of the April 21, 1975 meetins as present. <br /> Motion seconded by Mrs. Brisson. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. McLean informed the Commission members that Ken Gourley had been transferred <br /> to the Planning and Zoning Board and that the Park Commission is now two members <br /> short and asked that each member try to come up with a name for appointment to <br /> the Park Commission. <br /> The first item for discussion was the Hall Park and the condition of the back <br /> stops . Mr. Resch asked for a completion date on the installation of the back <br /> stops and was told that the work should be completed by June 6, 1975. There <br /> had been some delay due to the wet weather. <br /> Mr. McLean brought up the discussion of the bids for the backstops and explained <br /> that he had made an error at the May 42, 1975 Council Meeting when reading the <br /> bids. He stated that the bid from the Lino Athletic Association did not include <br /> the cost of the cement. Mr. Hanson informed Mr. McLean on Tuesday that the bid <br /> that was submitted and react and the Council Meeting did include the cost of the <br /> cement. Mr. McLean apologized for his error and explained that the Saturday <br /> before the Council Meeting he had met with Mr. Hanson and the bid submitted then <br /> did not include the cement and he assumed that the final bid was the same. <br /> Mr. Resch said that that cleared up the questions and the reactions to the matter. <br /> Mr. McLean said that he had a lead on some hose for the City about 500 to 600' <br /> of hose and when it is needed he would get the information to the Commission <br /> and the Council. He felt that there will be a need to water this summer if it <br /> is as dry as last year. <br /> At Lino Park the culvert for the parking areas has been installed and it will <br /> be staked and pured this week, weather permitting. The Lions Club is in the <br /> process of obtaining parking stops for Lino Park. <br /> The well at the Hall Park has been inspected and it appears that the only <br /> problem is an undersized motor in a large casing. It may be possible to <br /> convert to a larger motor and solve the problem that way. <br /> The Engineer is looking into alternatives for the field house at the Hall <br /> Park and will report back as .soon as possible. <br /> At Sunrise Park the hockey boards and rinks were badly damaged in the storm on <br /> May 19, 1975. The City Crews will be forwarding a repair schedule shortly. <br /> Mr. Volk is getting the prices for the ag lime for the diamonds and will <br /> report to the Council at the June 9th meeting. <br /> It may be possible to have. a temporary backstop put in at the LaMotte Park on LaMotte Drive. <br /> I)Iat area is scheduled to be given minimal care this_summer, and Claris are-_- eing_.�__ t. <br /> -made-to-include--it in-the_Park- Plans for thd future <br /> 'A T-Ball Backstop has been•requested'by the Lino,'Athletic Association and-the, s <br /> Lino Elementary School will probably provide"it. 'The backstop' is being <br /> 4 .'considered for somewhere in back of the'.City Hall <br /> Mr. Beach, Tree Inspector, is firming up the plans for a dumping site for <br /> diseased trees only and dumping by only residents. He will report to the <br /> Council within the next month. <br /> Mr. Resch moved to adjourn at 8:55 P.M. Motion seconded by Mr. Clausen. Aye. <br />
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