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04-21-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Meeting Minutes
1975 Minutes
04-21-1975 Park Board Minutes
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Park Board Minutes
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5 1ap175 <br /> -� APRIL 21 , 1975 <br /> The regular meeting of the Lino Lakes Parks, Recreation b Environment <br /> Commission was called to order at 8: 10 P.M. by Chairman Clausen. <br /> Members present: LeTourneau, Resch, Brisson and Gourley. Members <br /> absent: Kendall and McGeary. Councilman Mclean was also present. <br /> Mrs. LeTourneau moved to accept the minutes of the March 17, 1975 <br /> meeting as written. Mr. Gourley seconded the motion. Mogion carried. <br /> Mr. Clausen asked for a report on the Parks from the members and found <br /> that Mr. Gourley had not been assigned to a specific park. Mr. Gourley <br /> asked to be assigned to Lino Park, and was so assigned by the Chairman. <br /> The other assignments for the year are as follows: <br /> Hall Park Frank Resch . <br /> Lino Park fey and McGeary. <br /> Sunrise Park Gerald Clausen and <br /> Long Range Plan Sylvia Brisson and Geraldine LeTourneau <br /> Mr. McLean said that he had a call from Mrs. Kendall this evening and <br /> she said she will have to resign due to personal problems. He thanked <br /> on behalf of the Council and the Park Board for all the time she <br /> has donated to the City and told her that should she decide in the <br /> future that her time would again be available that she would be more <br /> than welcome to return to the Park Board. <br /> The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to Mrs. Kendall thanking <br /> her for her time. <br /> Mr. McLean asked the members of the Park Board if they -had any names <br /> they would like to submit to the Council to fill this vacancy. The <br /> members did not have any one in mind at this time but said they would <br /> contact Mr. McLean before the April 28th Council Meeting if they thought <br /> of anyone that would be willing to servie on the Park Board. <br /> Mr. Clausen then reported on Sunrise Park. He said he had been over <br /> to check the Park and the hockey rinks were in fair condition considering <br /> all the troubit that we had there this winter. He said he had attended <br /> a Hockey Association meeting and they wondered what kind of schedule <br /> we wanted from them as they were using the rinks every day either for <br /> practice or games. <br /> Mr. McLean pointed out that this was not true and last season's <br /> schedule was referred to. It showed that there were no games or <br /> practices scheduled for sundays and only about half the day on <br /> saturday. The reason for a timed schedule is so other residents <br /> can know when there Is open skating. The rinks are not Just for <br /> the Hockey Association and they should not assume that they are. <br />
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